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Loggy! Life in chastity - Home


Ask her out

"You should ask Sue out", said one of the girls in the office, "She seems to have taken a real shine to you." I wouldn't normally have the confidence to go up to a woman and, out of the blue, ask her out, but I now felt very encouraged.

Sue was a bit older than me, she wasn't the prettiest girl in the office but she made up for it by being somewhat 'larger than life'. I plucked up the courage and asked her out to dinner. She accepted and we agreed to go out together that Friday.

I wasn't sure how quickly the relationship would develop so I decided to buy a pack of condoms in case things went really well straight away.

The first date went well but when I took her home, she didn't invite me in. We kissed goodnight and agreed to see each other again. On the drive home I felt satisfied that things had gone well and the relationship was developing. I now had a girlfriend! I hadn't really expected to 'go all the way' on our first date anyway but I was hopeful this would happen on our second.

On our second date Sue opened up more and talked about her ex-boyfriend. I tried to sympathise as much as I could, agreeing with all the negative judgements she made. I tried to make her feel totally justified in everything she said (in the hope that she'd be more accepting of me). I was also glad of the pointers as to what mistakes not to make. "He wouldn't stop touching himself", she said, "He was such a wanker". Then she added, "We even bought one of those things to prevent that. It was his idea but then he changed his mind and wouldn't wear it. I was so disappointed".

That sounded intriguing. "What was it like, this thing?" I asked.

"It was metal with a little padlock", she said, and then added; "You can see it if you like".

"I'd love to" I replied. At least now she'd have to invite me in.

When I took her home that night, as expected she invited me in and led me to the bedroom. 'This could be it' I thought, I checked my pocket to make sure I had my wallet with me because I'd put a condom inside it. She showed me the device. It was a steel wire cage, a ring and a small padlock. I'd seen pictures of such things on the internet but I'd never seen one for real.

"You can try it on if you like", she said, "Don't worry; I've cleaned it thoroughly since he had it".

"Yes, OK", I said while continuing to study it.

"Well, take your trousers off then", she said abruptly.

So there I was, in her bedroom and she'd asked me to take my trousers off! 'It won't be long now before we're having sex', I thought.

"I think you'd better shave those pubic hairs first", she said, "You'll have a bit of difficulty otherwise. I've got a razor you can use. Come into the bathroom".

Trouser-less and feeling very nervous, I followed her to the bathroom. She gave me a pink razor and some shaving mousse. "I'll leave you to it" she said, and as she left, added, "Would you like some coffee?"

After shaving, she watched me fumble with the device to get it on. "And now for the lock", she announced. "You can't try it on properly without the lock". There was a little click. "Now put your trousers back on and see how that feels".

We drank the coffee. "If we're going to go out together", she said, "I'd really like to know if you can wear that thing. I don't want to get involved with another pathetic wanker. You don't mind keeping it on for a while do you?" After the way I'd agreed with her about her ex, I couldn't say no. It would only be for a few days anyway.

We kissed our goodnights and I started the long drive home. I found myself looking forward to arriving, going into the bathroom and spending a long time slowly masturbating while thinking of the evenings events (just as I'd done the previous week). I started to get an erection but it felt strange. It dawned on me that the thing between my legs wasn't going to allow me any self pleasuring. What had I let myself in for? I was actually driving away from the key that would unlock the device! I slowed down. Should I turn back? But then what? Confess to Sue that what I really wanted was to masturbate? She may unlock the device but I doubted whether I'd be seeing her again. It was Friday and I'd be seeing her at work on Monday anyway so I was sure I could manage a few days of abstinence. Besides, the lock was only thin and I could easily break it off with bolt croppers if I got really desperate. Part of me got a thrill from the thought of having my sex controlled in this way. Perhaps this would be an exquisitely enjoyable experience after all. I decided to continue.

When I arrived home I sat on the toilet and inspected myself. I held the lock in my hand and gave it a tug. It wasn't coming off. 'If I didn't have this thing locked onto me' I thought, 'I'd be tugging on my penis now. I'd be feeling the intense pleasure of sexual stimulation. But because of this, there isn't going to be any pleasuring tonight. There'll be none tomorrow either or the day after.

Monday came and to my relief Sue was at work. As I went to her, I was hoping she'd have the key with her and would hand it over immediately. Then I could spend a few minutes in the toilets, relieving my frustration.

"Everything alright?" she asked, "Are you getting on OK?"

I said that I was fine and there was no problem.

"See you on Friday then" she said brightly and turned away.

'Well', I thought, 'it would only be a few more days until I'll be having sex with Sue'. As the days passed I thought, 'I haven't gone this long without wanking since I started doing it in my early teens'. I found that I constantly wanted to do it now. I'd always relieved this desire before, but with this device, that couldn't happen so I just stayed frustrated.

Friday came eventually. We went out to dinner as before. "I've been dying to ask you how you've got on with it" said Sue. "Has it been physically alright? Not too uncomfortable I hope?" I told her that it had been OK. "And how has it affected you sexually?" she tentatively asked and then added, "I know all men pleasure themselves; unless there's something wrong with them of course. There's nothing wrong with you I hope". She insisted that I was totally honest with her as she couldn't bear deception in a relationship. I told her that I'd been unable to do it since having the device and that it had been frustrating. Then she wanted to know all about how often I used to do it, where and when I did it and what I fantasized about. I didn't know what best to say, what if I said the wrong things? I'd never spoken to anyone about this issue before, it's a totally taboo subject amongst men. I didn't want her to think I was inadequate so I had to say something. I didn't want to lie because she'd probably see through it and think me dishonest (I didn't know what to make up anyway). So I tried to be as honest as I could. She reeled off a list of things she thought I might be interested in to which I answered 'no' or 'sometimes'. She seemed surprised to discover that I didn't fantasize about being with women. I said that I liked the idea of bondage (I was sure I was on safe ground here since she'd given me this device). It seemed to go OK although she had look a bit doubtful at times.

"Well" she said in a stern voice, "I don't want you to be doing it on your own again. And I want you to wear the device to make sure that you don't." and then added brightly, "Is that OK?" I said that it was. I didn't think I'd have much desire to masturbate anyway, once we'd started to have regular sex.

Sue then asked me about my previous girlfriends. I told her about the two girlfriends that I'd had, how we'd met, how we'd reached the 'kissing and cuddling' stage and how, on each occasion this had been followed by the 'I don't think we should see each other anymore' stage.

"So you haven't actually had sex yet" she said, to which I had to agree. "I suspected you were a virgin but I didn't know for sure. You needn't look so embarrassed. There's nothing wrong with virginity. I think it's nice, I wish I still had mine."

We went back to her place but to my surprise she didn't invite me in. She said that she was tired and we should kiss goodnight outside.

Driving home, I took stock. I hadn't had sex. I was still locked in the chastity device and I'd agreed to keep it on. My girlfriend was now the only person in the world that knew that I was a virgin and knew about my sexual fantasies. I no longer had any secrets. I felt vulnerable. None of this sounded good but still, I'd probably gained her trust. So next week should be the big one.

Sue told me that on the following Friday she was going out with the girls and wouldn't be able to see me again until the following week.

I thought little of it until the next Monday when one of the girls from the office walked past me at work with a big grin on her face and, under her breath, said, "Hello cherry boy". Sue had told them. She'd probably told them all about me. I decided to put a brave face on it can carry on as if nothing had happened.

"Well you didn't say it was a secret" Sue protested when I cornered her. "Besides, there's nothing to be ashamed of anyway". I suspected she was right on both counts so I asked her not to tell anyone else and let the matter lie.

When Friday came, Sue seemed somewhat concerned. She said that she'd read about the chastity device I had. Apparently some men had managed to slip their members out of it to masturbate. It wasn't as secure as she thought. "I know you don't want to cheat on me" she said, "but I don't want to doubt you all the time. I think you should have a better device". She offered to pay for it and said that I'd need a piercing to make it secure. "I'd be so appreciative if you agreed". When I continued to look doubtful, she added, "I don't think you'd be able to wear a chastity device for a while after the piercing, until it heals properly". The prospect of being out of this device for a while was the deciding factor so I agreed to have it done. I didn't think it was such a big deal anyway.

Sue arranged for someone to come to her place to do the piercing. When it was done, I had a ring that went into the end of my penis and out through a hole in its underside. "You know" said Sue, as she inspected it, "I think your little cage will fit over this". And she made me put the chastity device back on. Over the next couple of weeks I had to put fluid on the ring to stop it sticking which was a little awkward with the cage.

A couple of weeks later, instead of going out as usual, Sue invited me in straight away. 'This is it' I thought, 'when I drive home tonight, I'll no longer be a virgin'.

"Your new device has arrived" she said. "Let's see if it fits". It did. "That's such a relief" she said, visibly relaxing. "Now I can be sure that you won't be having any sex outside my consent". She smiled with a twinkle in her eye as if to say that it won't be long now. She stood very close to me and held the device firmly in her hand, my penis inside. "Now your sex is under my complete control" she said softly. And then in a 'matter of fact' way added, "That is what we both want isn't it?" I had to agree. "This makes me feel so hot" she said. "You say the wards. Repeat after me: 'I want you to control my sex'" I did as she asked, repeating the statement several times while watching her respond as if feeling intense pleasure. "Now say: 'I never want to have any sex that you don't want me to have'". And again I repeated the statement several times.

When I arrived home I inspected the new device. It was far more substantial than the old one. The ring was much thicker, the lock was integrated into the device, and the part for my penis was a tube with slots which had a fitting that went through my piercing so there'd be no 'pulling out'. 'Bolt croppers won't touch this', I thought. 'But what would?' I found details of the device on the internet. 'High Security Chastity Device' it said. I read that the lock had been designed to resist picking, even by locksmiths and the steel had been hardened to resist hack-saws and other cutting tools. I'd accepted the old device because I knew that if I really wanted to, I could easily remove it (at the cost of my relationship with Sue). But the situation was now completely different. I was now locked into a device that I simply could not remove no matter how I tried. A flash of panic crossed my mind. 'I can't take this off' I thought. My sex was now truly under her control. There was a thrill of excitement too.

I resigned myself to the fact that it wasn't coming off without the key. And Sue was the only one who'd decide when that would happen.

"I think it would be really nice if you stayed a virgin until your wedding day" said Sue, casually next time we met. "I wish I had. What do you think?"

What could I say? If I agreed, there'd definitely be no sex with Sue anytime soon. But I couldn't disagree. 'Perhaps she's dropping a hint' I thought.

"Will you marry me?" I said, eventually. Sue was taken aback. Eventually she said that she'd think about it.

Sue didn't want to go out with me the following week, she said she had too much on her mind and needed some 'space'. Then at work she came to me and said that she was going to send me an e-mail that evening.

I was expecting her to say 'Yes'. We'd have a wedding, I'd move in with her and we'd have sex every night. Things were looking up.

That evening I received the message, which read:

'Dear Cherry Boy,

I think it would be best if we didn't see each other anymore. I no longer look forward to spending time with you, I don't want to have sex with you, and I certainly don't want to marry you. Lately, I've come to realise just how much of a pathetic loser you are. All you seem to want in life is sex. Even when I took yours away, you didn't change.'

This was like a hammer blow. It was over. I no longer had a girlfriend. And she was right about me just wanting sex. Perhaps I was a pathetic loser after all. But at least I'd be out of this chastity device and be able to masturbate again and I was sure I'd find someone else so it wasn't all bad. I carried on reading.

'I've discussed it with my colleagues and we all strongly believe that it would be best for everyone if you didn't have any more girlfriends. So, to make absolutely sure that you don't have any, I've decided NOT to unlock you from your chastity device.'

What! How could this be? I read the paragraph again. I just couldn't believe it. I felt devastated. This was my worst nightmare. And the rest of the message didn't help.

'This may come as something of a shock to you, so let me spell it out. You no longer have a girlfriend. You're locked into a highly secure chastity device (from which I'm sure you now realise you can't escape). You now have NO realistic prospect of EVER; being unlocked from that device, having another girlfriend, losing your virginity or masturbating.'

These were the four things I most desired. And now it was looking like I'd never have any of them!

'If I were you, I'd just get used to the idea of being celibate because celibate what you are and celibate is how you're going to stay. I hope that your, extremely secure and totally permanent celibate lifestyle works out for you, that you accept it and look for meaning to your life outside sex. If not, well, you'll just have to keep working on it won't you.


'She can't do this' I thought. I decided to phone her. "Look" I said in a firm voice, "You can't decide to finish with me and then not unlock me from this chastity device. That's just not on."

"I think it is 'on'" she said, "It seems that I can do it and I think I have. And I don't think you can do very much about it".

"I could go to the police" I blurted.

"And what would you say to them? That your ex-girlfriend is refusing to unlock you from your chastity device? They'll probably tell you that that isn't an offence; after they've stopped laughing at you that is, and assuming of course that you haven't already died of embarrassment. Even if they did decide to help, you'd have to go to court to get me to hand over the key. I'm sure the national press would be all over it. I can see the headlines now: 'Male virgin seeks key to his chastity belt so he can masturbate'. You'd be famous; as a virgin wanker that is. That sounds like a good idea doesn't it. Go on then, go to the police."

She'd obviously thought about this option a lot more than I had.

"But it just isn't right" I protested, "Especially if we're not even seeing each other anymore".

"Look", insisted Sue, "just because we're not seeing each other, doesn't mean that I can't control your sex. And I'm taking that responsibility very seriously. Don't you remember saying: 'I want you to control my sex' and 'I never want to have any sex that you don't want me to have'? Well, from now on, I don't want you to have any sex, so you won't be having any. You just have to accept that. You haven't had a problem with chastity so far, so I don't see why you should have a problem with it now or in the future".

I was stunned. I couldn't disagree with any of that. She was right.

She went on, "I know you well enough to know that you're totally unsuitable for a romantic relationship. Any relationship with you is certain to fail. And I think it's very important to protect women from that kind of emotional pain and damage. And you could do with protecting in that way too. So I think I really have to keep you locked up. I'd be irresponsible and uncaring if I didn't. It's for everyone's benefit, yours as well; I hope you can see that.

And don't even think about masturbation. We all thought you're fantasies were inappropriate and even disturbing so I certainly don't want to encourage them in any way. I'm sure you'll be far better off if you just didn't touch yourself any more. And I know you won't be touching yourself at all now because you can't."

What could I say to this? She'd obviously made up her mind. She had very strong feelings on the subject and some very good reasons too. And I had nothing.

I decided to do nothing and see what happened.

At work, Sue ignored me or treated me like a stranger. And apart from a few sly looks and sniggers everything was as it was before. The weeks passed, and then the months. Nothing happened.

I had to get out of the device somehow. But I daren't use power tools on it in case it all went wrong. Then I had an idea. I'd buy an identical device. That way I could experiment all I wanted in safety and only when I was confident of success would I attempt the escape. I placed the order. It was expensive but I was sure it would be worth it. A few days later I received an e-mail saying my order had been rejected. Apparently, since I was a 'registered user' and not a 'key-holder' I was disqualified from purchasing anything from them. My plan had failed. Then I read the last line of the message: "Your key-holder has been informed of your communication with us". My heart sank. Sue now knew about my plan.

I sat, cross-legged on my bed, naked apart from the steel on my penis. I looked at it. My last hope was gone. I'd thought long and hard about how to remove the device but I couldn't think of anything I'd even dare try. 'There's no such thing as an un-pickable lock' I thought, but I didn't know the first thing about picking locks, or the details of the mechanism in this one so this lock was definitely un-pickable to me. 'There's no such thing as an un-breakable device'. But I didn't have the necessary knowledge skills or equipment to do any effective cutting in a controlled enough way as to be in the least bit safe, so this device was totally un-breakable to me. As far as I was concerned, it was inescapable.

A few days later I received a message from Sue:

'Dear Cherry Boy,

It seems that you haven't accepted your new lifestyle at all, so to help you fully appreciate your permanent sexual disablement and celibacy, I think it would be good for you to recite, out loud, the following statements:

  • I'm a virgin and I want to stay a virgin.
  • I don't want a girlfriend because it would be emotionally damaging for both of us.
  • I don't want to masturbate because it encourages harmful fantasies.
  • I'm glad that I've been locked in chastity because it protects me from sexual temptations.
  • I love the feeling that being locked in chastity gives me.
  • I truly hope to stay locked in chastity all my life.
  • I want to thank my key-holder for keeping me locked up.
  • I want to ask my key-holder never to unlock me.

You should say them at least once a day, ideally while looking at yourself in a mirror, until you're convinced that you really mean them.

Then to prove to yourself that you really do mean them, you can e-mail me with your thanks and request. I feel very confident that your thanks will be accepted and your request will be granted. I expect you'll feel contented then, perhaps even happy because you'll have what you want. Even if you did get it by learning to want what you have.


02:27:38 27 Oktober 2014 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Sara's prison program

St Helena was a unique kind of prison. The inmates were entirely men, most of whom were convicted of non-violent drug crimes, and the staff was comprised entirely of females. The inmates had agreed to forteit ALL rights. And that meant all rights. The female guards were very sadistic and used all methods, including restraint and sexual subjugation to break the young ment sent there.

Sara was the oldest of the guards. 42 years old she was a stunningly attractive brunette, with a nice round ass and medium sized but firm tits. She carried an air of authority everywhere she went and the prisoners literally cowered down to her when she just walked by. She was noted for dishing out harsh punishments for even the slightest infractions. Everybody feared her and her whip.

Sara had her own program that she used to break the incoming prisoners. Several of her former charges were now in mental institutions due to the treatment received at her hands.

Sara would have the new inmates sent to a solitary cell, wearing only their prison jumpsuit. She would tell them that masturbating was against the rules and would leave. The inmates would receive their food through the slit in the door, but otherwise no body would open the door for anything. These solitary cells had video monitors in every wall, clearly showing what the prisoner was doing at all times.

It rarely took over a couple of weeks before every prisoner would become horny and his balls would fill with cum. All of them would eventually succumb to the temptation to touch themselves. And they were not aware of the hidden cameras watching their every move.

Sara watched them like a hawk for the inevitable wank. She would smile and her pussy would get wet as soon as she would catch one. She knew what was in store for them.

She always went running to the cell, screaming and cursing at the inmate for masturbating himself. She always acted quickly, so that the inmate might not finnish what he started. Sara would then escort the inmate to the punishment room, where he would be stripped naked in front of her and inspected for signs of ejaculation. Then she would tie him over the whipping horse and would use her razor strap on him until he begged and screamed for mercy! She would always whip her charges very very hard, with a steady quick rhythm that never speeded up or slowed down. Just a constant rain of blows. On and on thw whipping would go, until the inmate was crying like a small child. She never stopped until she was convinced that the tears were for real. Every time. She always whipped or paddled until the inmate cried.

When she was convinced he had had enough, she would take him back to the solitary cell, still naked. This time he was told that he was to remain in a position such that his genitals were in full view of the cameras (which he was now shown) 24/7. Failure to do so would result in further whipping. Then she would leave.

Back to the video screen she would go, just watching for the unauthorised genital touching. The inmate would become increasingly desperate to relieve his aching balls, but Sara was constantly watching. And he had to remain in full view of the cameras.

When Sara was not on duty, another controller was watching, and also Sara reviewed the tapes when she came to work, in case the other controller had missed an unauthorised wank.

Day after day the inmate would sit in his cell, butt naked wishing he could turn away from the cameras just long enough for a quick stroke. Most could not last longer than a further week or two. Eventually they all would pretent to be asleep and "inadvertantly" turn over in their sleep and try to stimulate themselves with their hand up under and out of sight.

Again Sara was an expert at all the tricks and she would come running again. Again the inmate would be stopped before finnishing, and would be prevented from ejaculating. And again the inmate would be whipped until he cried and begged.

This time when returned to their cells, still naked, they would be put into restraints, shackled such that his hands could not touch his dick. Again he was required to keep his genitals in plain view of the cameras. Sara and two other controllers would come into his cell at feeding time and unlock his shackles and watch him eat, with tasers and shock batons to protect themselves. Then they would re-shackle him and leave. They would put him in 4 point restraints at night, hands and feet to the corners of the bunk. He had no way to masturbate at all then.

At this point, Sara would give the inmate twice weekly strappings, even if he did nothing wrong, just for her amusement. She did this when they reached the restraint phase of her program. Each time she would never stop until he would sob and cry like a baby. He would learn when she came for him and he would dread hearing her come down the hallway to take him to the punishment room. He would beg and plead for her to spare him jus this once, but she would always follow through with the whipping no matter how much he begged. Sometimes he would cry even before she had gotten him to the punishmnent room.

Usually by the second week of this treatment, the inmate would have been without an orgasm for at least 6-8 weeks and would become involuntarily become erect, especially when laying there on the bunk, late at night, thinking about what it used to feel like to fuck his girlfriend. His dick would twitch and bob in the air, but there was nothing he could do about it. Pre-cum would stream down it's length and drip off of his balls, but in the end there was no relief. Sometimes he would cry himself to sleep, his balls aching for the elusive orgasm. But there was none.

Then Sara would step it up a notch. She would come into his cell and have him kneel in front of her while restrained. The she would slowly take off her clothes, doing a strip tease for him. Sometimes she would masturbate herself while taunting him about his inability to do likewise, flaunting how desperate he must be. She would never touch him, even when he begged and cried for relief, his needy cock desperately waving in the air at her. She did this every other day or so. Eventually it would become too much and the poor prisoner would simply come, having not been touched at all. Furious, Sara would get dressed and lead him to the punishment room by his ear and tie him to the horse. Orgasms without permission were punished by a severe caning. She would cane the same way she whipped. Hard and fast with no slowing down until he had tears running down his cheeks and he was begging for mercy!

Bound, weeping, and whip-marked, he would be led back to his cell. Once there, Sara would lock a chastity device on his penis, preventing him from even getting hard. He would still be kept in restraints, naked at all times. At night they still cuffed his hands and feet to the bunk. There was no way to get ANY relief.

Sara would become wet thinking about how horny her prisoners must be. Occasionally, she would sneak into the hallway to the cells and listen. Usually she could hear one of the inmates softly sobbing as he would think about being with a woman and his dick would try and get hard, but it could not. Sara would become so turned on by his plight that she would come into the cell and sit on his face, making him lick her to several orgasms, before leaving him still locked up with no relief. They usually cried pitiously when she refused to unlock them.

Usually she kept her inmates locked up for 1 month the first time they were chastised. After one month, she would unlock them and allow their dicks to become hard. But it was only to torture the inmate. She would make him eat her to many orgasms, but she would refuse to even touch the twitching cock, aching with need. Sometimes the inmate would cum during this treatment, and he would be caned again and locked back in chastity, this time for 3 months. And Sara still whipped him twice a week, and made him lick her at least every other day.

Other times the inmate would be able to keep from cumming, but the torture of no relief would be too much and he would desperately beg and beg for even the slightest touch. But there was none.

Eventually even the strongest inmates would cum under this treatment and would end up chastised for 3 months. After 3 months of pussy licking, cock locked in chastity, the inmates balls would be so filled with cum that he would go crazy with the desire to cum, but with the restaints, there was nothing he could do about it. That is when Sara would unlock his dick and allow it to be hard again. This time she would touch it, lightly stroking it until he was just about to cum, then she would stop. She would do this over and over and over again. Just to drive him further crazy. He would be at least crying again with the need to ejaculate. But she would always ice his dick down and lock it back up with no orgasm. And still he was naked and restrained 24/7. She was always careful not to touch him too much, just keeping him on edge. She was an expert at it!

By the time Sara was finished with an inmate, he was thouroughly broken and barely sane. Many inmates could not take it and did go insane from the treatment.

When an inmate did go insane, the controllers would always pierce his cock and place a permanent chastity device on him. He would never get out, even at the mental institution. They would desperately rub their chastity device against the wall trying to get off, but locked in a straightjacket they could do little to help themselves. Sara would laugh at them and be satisfied that yet another criminal was rendered harmless and unable to commit more crimes. She would go home and masturbate with her vibrator while she thought of all those young cocks, desperate with need, that would no longer find their way into a pussy. Needless to say, the return rate for prisoners at this institution was almost 0!

02:26:52 27 Oktober 2014 Permanente link Reacties (0)

My island prison

They always say that wealth can be a curse as well as a blessing, but I never really understood it until now. Certainly when I first inherited my millions, I couldn't see any downside to it. In an instant I was lifted from my 9-5 rut into a life of leisure, glamour and excitement. And the women! My god, I was really playing in the major leagues now. Women who, I'm sure, would never have looked twice at me when I was a working stiff suddenly seemed to find me endlessly fascinating. Did it bother me to think it was just my money they loved? Not really. I was having sex with fantastically beautiful women on a regular basis, and as someone once said, as shallow and meaningless experiences go, it's one of the best.

None of them really meant anything until Anne, though. I can't remember where we met - some charity function I should think. I'm sure there were dozens of glamorous women there, but I could see no one but her. I went over to talk to her, and was suddenly seized with a fear that my newfound confidence with women would desert me now when it mattered most, and I'd go back to being the old me, this boring schlub who women hardly seemed to notice. I needn't have worried. She seemed just as fascinated by me, and before long we had rented a room in the same hotel.

The next few weeks passed in a blissful haze. I had to admit that sex with someone I cared about (as well as fancied like mad) was a richer experience. Best of all, she seemed instinctively to understand what I liked. She was always quite dominant in bed, never asking what I wanted her to do but taking the lead and telling me what to do. Most thrilling of all, although she would always get at least one orgasm, our encounters would sometimes finish without me getting any release. If I asked whether I could also cum, she'd smile sweetly and say "Maybe next time, honey."

Once, as we lay together in each other's arms afterwards, I admitted that I found it really thrilling the way she took charge, and especially how she would sometimes deny me orgasm. Best of all was the uncertainty. We'd start making out, my levels of sexual desire would go through the roof, and I'd never know whether it would end in release or being told I had to wait until next time.

She smiled. "I know that, honey. That's why I do it to you. You see, I'm always doing what you want, even when I seem to be denying you. Of course..."


"Well, I was going to say... if you want, we could take it even further."


"Well there are devices they make which lock around your cock and balls. Chastity belts, in other words. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you'd jerk off to get sexual release when I deny you, I know you'd never do that. It's just that the thrill for you would be so much greater knowing not just that you wouldn't, but that you couldn't. That you were completely in my control."

I think it was those last few words that did it. The idea of being completely in her power, hoping for an orgasm but unable to do anything but appeal to her for mercy, made my head swim. I can't even remember if I actually said yes to it, but within a couple of weeks she announced that the belt she had ordered over the internet had arrived. Looking back, I think she must have ordered it before discussing it with me, counting on the fact that she could talk me into it.

I must admit I was shocked when I saw it. I suppose I had imagined something symbolic, just something to remind me of her power over me, all the more thrilling since no one else would know I was wearing it 24/7 under my clothes. What she was showing me looked more like a medieval torture device. There was a thick metal waistband, attached at the front to a metal tube for my penis and a ring which locked around my scrotum.

"Wow, this is a serious piece of kit," I said. "I presume there are two keys?"

"Yes," she said with a teasing smile, "And I'm keeping both of them!"

"But in an emergency..."

"In an emergency, you call me. Come on, there's no point to this if you have a key, you know that. You could just let yourself out and jerk off whenever you wanted."

"I would never do that!" I protested.

"I know, honey. But like I said, the thrill is knowing not just that you wouldn't, but that you couldn't. Trust me, you'll see."

My god, she was right about that. I had never seriously considered jerking off after she had denied me release. But there was a world of difference between knowing at the back of my mind that it was there as a last resort and knowing that it wasn't, and I had no chance at all of cumming without her permission. Just as she said, the thrill when she denied me was a thousand times more intense, knowing that her word really was final.

To make matters worse she started denying me more and more often, making my need to cum, and my frustration when she denied me yet again, all the greater. Very gradually, denial had gone from being the occasional, thrilling exception to an otherwise satisfying sex life to being the norm - now being allowed to cum was the exception, and I was always securely tied up so that she'd have no trouble locking the belt back on me afterwards. I had to admit that the orgasms when she finally did relent were mindblowing - but knowing that only made it all the more frustrating when she said no.

Things came to a head one hot summer night. I knew that the next morning she was flying home to stay with her parents for a week, so I thought surely she would let me cum this time, especially as she had denied me the last three times. She started to kiss me, but the thought of getting so turned on and then not getting a release yet again was more than I could bear. I pulled away from her kiss.

"Honey, before we start... I would REALLY appreciate it if you would let me cum this time."

"Come on, you know how this works. No guarantees. If you know in advance, it's like Russian Roulette with no bullets in the gun. Where's the thrill in that?"

"Sure... but lately it's been like Russian Roulette with five bullets in the gun and only one empty chamber! The thrill of uncertainty is all very well, but sometimes I need the thrill of actually cumming too!"

"I know that honey, and you do get to cum sometimes. But not every time, and certainly not when you demand it. That's not how this works at all. Trust me, I know what's good for you."

She started to kissing me again to prevent any further argument. I really thought that she might let me cum this time, but instead I just got that smile again as she said, "Maybe next time, honey."

I tried to hold myself together, but a single tear rolled down my cheek.

"What is it, honey?"

"It's just that... you're going away. I won't even see you for another week. I'll be so frustrated by then."

"Mmm," she agreed, "and of course you have no guarantee that I'll let you cum then either."

For the first time, the full helplessness of my situation dawned on me. I had no guarantee that I would ever cum again. It was purely down to the whim of a woman who clearly got almost as much pleasure from denying me as she did from the orgasms she had herself. There was nothing I could do but hope and pray for her mercy.

Well, almost nothing. Nothing was ever said about it, but I noticed that my success rate definitely improved if I showered her with expensive gifts, both surprise gifts and things she had none too subtly hinted that she wanted. I don't know if it was a deliberate policy on her part to reward me for doing what she wanted, or whether being in a good mood just made her more likely to take pity on me.

Whichever it was, I soon learned never to say no whenever she asked for something. I guess I should have suspected that it was really my money she was in love with, but that was the last thing on my mind. Nothing mattered beyond getting out of this infernal belt as often as possible. So I didn't bat an eyelid when she suggested that my bank account be put in both our names. After all, she said, she was so often buying things which I ended up paying for (which was undoubtedly true) that it was simpler if she had access to the account directly. I don't suppose I really accepted this logic, but I was in no position to argue.

However, I couldn't hide my surprise at one suggestion she made a couple of years into our relationship. She announced that she'd found the perfect get-away-from-it-all holiday destination, a tiny island, hundreds of miles from anywhere, completely unspoiled by tourism. There were no cars on the island and nothing you could really call a road, she explained, and no hotel, but that didn't matter as she'd found a cottage we could rent for a couple of weeks.

I was amazed. She was such a city girl, loving the bright lights, luxuries and pampering. Could she really have this other side to her that longed for the simple life? It seemed very unlikely, but I knew better than to argue. And in truth, the idea of us just being alone together for two weeks with no distractions reminded me so much of when we first got together, I guess maybe I hoped things would go back to the way they had been back then. I was certainly encouraged when, just before we left for the airport, she produced the key and started to remove my chastity belt. Seeing the look of joy and excitement on my face, she laughed and said,

"You dumbass, this is just so you can get through the metal detector at the airport! This baby's going straight back on when we've landed, believe you me."

She was as good as her word. She even insisted on standing right outside the bathroom door on the plane when I had to pee. "I don't want you coming back 5 minutes later with some story about how there was a queue and you had to wait," she said. I remember thinking that I was so desperate I could probably cum just as quick as I could pee anyway.

Once we landed and got our suitcases back, she took me straight away into the airport bathroom and locked the belt back on me, just as she'd promised. I saw also that she hadn't been lying about the island. The airport was little more than a tin shed, with no bar, restaurant or gift shop, only the basics that every airport had. The island itself was windswept and barren. To get to our cottage, we had to hire a local with a cart pulled by a donkey, which bumped slowly over a rutted dirt track for more than an hour before we got there. Once again, I thought to myself - this is her idea of fun?

Once we arrived, I carried our suitcases into the cottage, while she arranged for the donkey cart guy to come and get us in two weeks and take us back to the airport, since as she explained we'd have no other way of contacting him as there was no phone. Once she came inside, without a word she pounced on me, practically ripped my clothes off and threw me onto the four poster bed. The next week was, just as I had hoped, exactly like when we first met. With no distractions, we could hardly keep our hands off each other, and we had sex five, six or seven times every day. With one tiny but important difference. I didn't get to cum. Ever. Every time, when I thought she would finally relent, she simply smiled that smile again and said "Maybe next time, honey. And after all, next time will only be in a couple of hours, so why worry!" she laughed.

After a week of this I was seriously beginning to wonder whether a person could go insane from sexual frustration. Finally, I broke down. I pleaded with her. I said I would do anything, absolutely anything, if she would only let me cum. She seemed to consider it for a while, then said, "OK, I guess you've been pretty patient. To be honest I'm amazed you didn't crack before now!" She disappeared into the other room and came back with that glorious key and put it in the lock. Or rather, she tried to. It wouldn't go in.

She looked at me, seemingly in genuine puzzlement, and then said "Oh my god."

"What?!?" I said.

"When we were packing, at the same time as I took off your belt and put it in the suitcase, I was thinking about padlocking my suitcase shut. You know, to make sure the baggage handlers couldn't go through my things. I must have got the two keys mixed up."

"So?" I prompted her. "The key you thought was for the padlock will actually open my belt."

"Well that's just it. I didn't lock my suitcase in the end. I left the padlock and the key for it at home. Or rather, it looks like I actually left the key to your belt at home."

I couldn't speak. Hot, salty tears rolled down my cheeks and I become to sob uncontrollably.

"I am sorry, honey, I really am. I can't believe I was so stupid. But I promise I will unlock you the moment we get home. Hey, isn't it a shame we found out? Now the second week won't be as thrilling for you as the first."


"Yeah, you know, the thrill of not knowing, wondering if you'll get to cum this time. Now you'll know for certain that you won't!"

I began to sob all the more. The next week was pure hell for me. She insisted that we had sex just as often as before. If I refused, she reminded me that even when we were back home the key would still be in her possession, and I should think very hard before pissing her off. By the end of the two weeks I was as crazed and frustrated as she was relaxed and satisfied.

"Thank god there's only one day to go," I said. "What time does the donkey cart guy get here?"

"I told him noon," she replied. "That should get us to the airport in plenty of time for... oh my god!"

"What is it?"

"The metal detector. You'll never get through. They won't allow you on board!"

"Metal detector? Do they even have one here?" I said, trying not to let the panic I felt show in my voice.

"Of course they do. Every airport does, however small. They have to."

I couldn't speak. She was right, of course.

"Look don't worry, as soon as I get home I'll mail... no, there's probably no delivery here. OK then, I'll grab the key, turn around and fly straight back. Oh wait, there's only one flight a week. Well I guess there's nothing else we can do, you'll just have to stay here one more week. I'll call the owner and arrange to extend the rental. I got the impression people weren't exactly beating down her door to rent it, so there shouldn't be a problem."

"I'm really sorry, honey, it looks like there's no other way. But it's only a week, that's not so long. And after all, you won't have me here driving you crazy, eh?" she added with a laugh.

The next day, as I sat on the bed and watched her packing her things, it was all I could do not to cry. Just before closing her suitcase, she pulled out a thick hardback book and handed it to me saying:

"I'm worried you're going to be bored staying here on your own, what with having no TV, so why don't I leave you the book I'm reading. It's really pretty good, and certainly long enough to keep you busy for a week. I might be a bit bored on the plane without it, but I'm willing to make that sacrifice since it was my screw up in the first place."

I was puzzled. She was reading this book? When? I didn't recall ever seeing her read it, or any other book. Glossy magazines were more her thing. Still, she was right that I would need something to do. I looked at the title. "The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas. Translated from the French by..." French? Just when I thought things couldn't get any better.

The donkey cart duly showed up on time, and as I waved goodbye, she turned around in her seat a blew a kiss to me. I trudged back into the cottage and wondered what to do with myself. I didn't feel much of an urge to start this book of hers. Literature had never really been my thing. But in the absence of anything else to do, I eventually picked it up and started reading.

After a while, I had to admit it wasn't half bad. It told the story of a man locked up in an island prison called the Chateau d'If. The man who imprisoned him knew he was innocent, but locked him up anyway to hide a guilty secret of his own, which only he and the prisoner knew about.

When I think about what happened next, I am always amazed at how perfect her timing was. A week had gone by since she had left. I was just thinking about what time the plane would land, how long the donkey cart would take, and concluding that she might arrive at any moment with that blessed key. Then I turned a page in the book and found a handwritten note. It had been taped in place to prevent it falling out. I started to read it.

"Hi honey,

If you've been following the plot so far, you should have a pretty clear idea of your situation. I won't be coming back with the key to your belt, at least not for a while, and you won't be leaving the island. In case you're wondering, it was about the money, all along. Sorry if your feelings are hurt, but I'm guessing that's the least of your worries right now. I guess you thought you'd met the woman of your dreams. Well, to coin a phrase, "Maybe next time, honey." Though it's hard to see how there can be a next time for you. Even if the island is teeming with gorgeous young women, which I doubt, you're not that much good to them in your current state, are you?

I hope you enjoy your new life on the island. I've arranged for some food and other essentials to be delivered to you every week, since the village is such a long walk away. Don't worry about the cost, it's my treat! Oh, and the cottage is bought and paid for, so don't worry about that either.

And don't worry about never seeing me again. I promised you that you'd be allowed to orgasm sometimes, and I'll stick to that. I can't say how often I'll visit - well, you remember life in the big city, don't you? So much to see, so much to do, especially when you have lots of money! But I will try and visit from time to time, I promise. And when I do, you'll get an orgasm - maybe. Hey, that's doubly thrilling for you, isn't it? Never knowing when I'll visit, and not even knowing if you'll get an orgasm even when I do! I'll see if I can't think of some other ways to surprise you too. Did you like that part in the book where the jailer gives all the convicts a severe whipping once a year, on the anniversary of the day they were locked up? Now there's an idea!

One thing you can count on, though. That belt is only coming off when you're securely manacled to that beautiful four poster bed, and it will be locked back on before your wrists and ankles are unlocked. No exceptions. You'll never be free again without your belt on, which means of course you can't leave the island because of the airport metal detector.

Oh, and at the risk of spoiling the ending of the book for you, he eventually escapes by swimming to another island nearby. In your case the nearest island is more than 500 miles way, so if you fancy trying that I'd suggest you have a couple of practice swims first! Gee, I guess that's why there are no boats coming to the island either...

So I guess it's goodbye for a while! Oh, and a word of warning. As you've probably guessed, there is a phone on the island, at the airport. Maybe you're thinking you might phone the police on the mainland and tell them what I've done to you? Or call your bank, tell them to suspend my access to your account? Big mistake. If I get the slightest hint that you've done anything like that, the keys to your belt are going straight down the nearest sewer. That's right, you'd be condemning yourself to never having an orgasm, or even an erection, for the rest of your life. Is that something you'd like to do? I thought not. To save your dignity, I'll be telling people here that you've decided to go and live on a retreat, far away from the pressures of the modern world. Do nothing to dispel that illusion, and you and I will get along just fine.

(N)ever yours,


But I could hardly read the bottom of the page, my eyes were so filled with tears. They fell onto the paper, making the ink run. How could she do this to me?

02:24:05 27 Oktober 2014 Permanente link Reacties (0)

First meeting

Angel rapt lightly on the solid red door. Butterflies grew restless in his stomach as seconds seemed to take hours. The door sat flush on the main road of a sleepy little town. It made no difference, the time or place, he would be happier inside, away from prying eyes. The door opened slightly, held in place by the safety chain, only the flicker of candles to illuminate the room. He could only see part of her gorgeous face, tho he could tell it had a wicked grin. The silence hung and did nothing for Angels butterflies.

'So, are you wearing it?' Her grin turned to  a smile. It was a CB2000 that she had the key for. Angel had been in the device, that was too small for him, for three days. It had been pre-arranged with the lock going on and the key being sent to his Mistress for safe keeping.

'Yes' his tormentors eyebrows raised after a short pause, expectant. 'umm, Mistress' he chocked out as her smile returned,

'Good, show me.' Angels mind raced. He wasn't sure what to do, after a seconds paused he moved his hand towards the door.

'Uh, just pull down your pants slave, and show me.' If it was possible her smile appeared to grow. Angels hands moved of their own volition to his pants and removed the buttons, exposing himself to the door. 'Good. Now get naked and I'll let you in.' The door shut. Angel stood motionless not sure what to do. His eyes darted up the street. An internal debate rage, he was confused and wanted to run. In fact it was all so new to him, he wasn't sure what to do.

He frantically started removing his clothes, leaving his pants to last. After a quick glance up and down the street he was nude apart from his cage at the door. The door opened with the chain still in place. 'Good pass your clothes in, and...' she slid a  clear butt plug, with a glistening dollop of lube, through the gap, 'Get this in your ass, oh and don't rush cause it will be agony later.' His Mistress chuckled as Angel pushed his clothes through the gap and took the plug. He then started working the plug in slowly as his mind drifted of to another time.

The plug slid into place with minimal effort, and the only discomfort was his ass pulsating trying to return to normal size. He scanned the street constantly now. The butterflies were kicking at his sides as he waited. His body started shaking and he could fell his heart thumping in his chest, when  he saw the glow of head lights approaching the crest a few hundred meters down the road. The door opened,

'On your knees and enter slave.' Angel dropped down and crawled in as quickly as he could, the passing car may have got a view of his ass, but at least he felt safe now. 'That was close.' She mused as she moved casually to the bed. Angel assessed the unit, it was large with a queen bed in the centre. Off to the left was a hall way that lead to the bathroom and kitchen. On the TV played a BDSM movie with some poor slave getting whipped on the balls. His eyes settled on his Mistress. She was sitting cross legged on the bed, wearing a black leather corset with garters attached to her thigh high stockings, and finished with knee high stilettos. Around her neck hung the key to his cage, she toyed aimlessly with it, inadvertently highlighting the fact she owned his cock.

'I would like to start with a few rules. I'll tell you more as we go, if you break any you will be punished' her grin grew wider again. 'First you will only speak when spoken to and finish every sentence with Mistress. Now adopt the inspection position.' she lent back on the bed as she finished displaying her cleavage. 'Yes Mistress.' Angel got up onto his knees, keeping them slightly apart, with his hands behind the back of his head. 'Good, slave. Rule two, you will not cum without permission. If I give you permission it only last for thirty seconds, cum at any other time and I will lock your cock up for a week.' Angel acknowledged her as she stood, taking her crop from the side of her boot. As begun circling him she started touching his body all over with the large head of the crop. Angel jumped as the first blow landed softly on his balls. More were to follow on his balls and nipples, and any other bit of free skin, inter space with the crop being run all over his body. Mistress let her subject know she could touch him any where she pleased. She moved back to the bed, happy in his humiliation.

'Now slave would you like to taste me?' her head tilted to the side in a provocative glance. 'Yes Mistress.' she lifted a finger and motioned for him to come, as he crawled close enough she placed her boot into his face. 'Start with that and see if your tongue is good enough for me.' Her voice made his cock wrestle with the cage in a losing battle.

Angel had no real foot fetish, but the thought of being reduced to cleaning boots was too much. He moved his tongue disconsolately over the patented leather as his cock pushed the cage forward pulling tightly on his balls. Her shoes had been worn many times but only during sessions. The flash of the camera startled him.

'If you felt I owned your ass because of that butt plug, wait till I get these printed.' she giggled to herself, while she slipped a blind fold over Angels startled eyes. 'Eat me Slut'. She uncrossed her legs and took hold of her slaves hair and pulled him close. She enjoyed his tongue for a few moments before taking another photo and a short video for her collection. Angels tongue ebbed and flowed, getting faster and stronger before slowing down. It wasn't long before he had whipped his tormentor into a frenzy.  The Mistress let herself go shuddering as waves of pleasure caused through her. She enjoyed her toys tongue for a little longer as she recovered. Finally she used his hair to pushed him away, keeping her boots over his shoulders. Mistress kept her hand on his hair while she took another picture of his cum covered face.

'Very good slave, now...' she let her voice trail off, lingering at what was to come as she stood and moved around her toy. Angel sat motionless as his Mistress ran her hand over his chest. She stood behind him taking her time as she slowly twisted his nipples. Angel hated having his nipples played with, his Mistress knew this and was going to take full advantage of the fact. She played a little before stepping around to his front, kicking his cage gently as she did. His cock pulsed restlessly, as she squatted down, exposing her wet pussy to his blindfolded face. He tried to stay motionless as his Mistress started to apply clover clamps to his erect nipples. She giggled as they found their place and her toys face contorted.  She stood taking her crop out, using it to push the chain down.

'You are taking those well slave. Would you like a reward?' Angels perked up. His Mistress reached down and took hold of the chain lifting until Angel moaned and his face took on a new pained look. 'Stand.' He did and was guided by the chain a few steps to a small table. Once bent over, she applied a fur cuff to each of his limbs and then tied wach to a leg of the table. Angel was left struggling to find a comfortable place for his chest as his Mistress walked off.

Moments latter she returned removing his blind fold. As his eyes adjusted he noticed two things, a camera set up on a tripod and a strap-on at point blank range. Whilst she had in the past rejected the idea of making a slave eat plastic cock as stupid because she would get nothing out of it. Now she forced it into his resisting mouth. She giggled at his uncoordinated efforts and got wetter as she watched. After a few minuets she started driving her cock in making her slave gag, taking photos the whole time to cap off his humiliation.

'You need to get that cock nice and wet as it is the only lube you will be getting.' she lent forward to remove the butt plug from his ass and as she did drove her fake cock deep into Angels mouth. The plug proved difficult to remove due to the strange angel she was trying to take it out on. He choked as the plug slipped from his ass bringing about a strange new state of torment. His mistress seemed to be getting more sadistic, or just more into her role.  'Time to fill your ass, again' She laughed at him as she sat the plug on his back and as an after thought slapped his face a few times with her cock. She laughed at her helpless plaything, she would feel bad for him if she knew that he wasn't into it.

She then moved to his ass and secretly applied some drops of lube to the plastic cock. She lost track of time as she fucked his ass. Starting slow and deep then getting faster, then letting her fake cock come out before jamming it back in. The straps moved against her skin and before long she could feel herself about to orgasm again, but stopped herself in time.

Angel was puzzled as his Mistress sat a stool in front of him but didn't sit down. He was worried that she was going to use his mouth with her fake cock, instead she moved to his rear. She placed a spreader bar between his legs, then removed his cage. Angels cock gleefully expanded as she did so with a long trail of pre-cum clinging to the cage. Next she took a spiked parachute and wrapped it around his balls on the tightest setting, she then retied his legs to the table above his knees, finally using a short piece of rope she tied the spreader bar to the parachute. This left Angel like he was trying to keep his feet against his butt, Angel quickly found out that if he didn't want his balls to hurt he would have to keep his legs bent up but his legs quickly tired.

On her way to the stool she reached under Angels chest and removed the clover clamps not bothering to soothe his nipples as the blood forced it way painfully back into place. Angel moaned as she captured the whole thing with pictures and video.

'Right...' she took her place on the stool, 'Time to pleasure me again' Angel did as he was told, his Mistress was eager for his tongue and he hoped that if he did a good job he may get to cum as well. He managed to work her into a frenzy three times, not only did angels cock and balls ache  from her interesting torment, but his jaw and tongue were tired and sore.

Mistress stood and took stock of her poor toy. She run her crop over his body, she felt a rush as she moved slowly around his body. At first she was shocked when he asked her to do these “crazy things” but now she was getting into it. She moved to his rear.

'Would you like me to take this off your balls?' she cooed as she squeezed the parachute. Angel let out a small whimper, and his mistress let go. 'Yes pleassss, ahhh' his balls erupted into fire as pressure was reapplied. Mistress quickly removed her crop from her boot and with light but fast started cropping angels sore balls. 'Yes please what?' angel was moaning uncontrollably. 'Mistress.' the word force between moans. 'Say the lot slave don't short cut it.' She took her time calmly letting the words roll off her tongue, never letting her crop slow. 'ahhh yes. Please. Mistress' she stopped then gave him one final hard slap. Normally, a slap of such velocity would not bother him, but the blow was compounded by the fact his balls were restricted by the spikes. Angel breathed a sigh of relief as the parachute was undone and his feet could drop to the floor.

Angels cock was on fire. Angel shifted from his left to right trying to find a comfortable stance. Mistress giggled as she came up with her last torment, it was to be the most humiliating and painful thing she would do all night.

Mistress untied his hands before locking them behind his back. She then firmly took hold of Angels balls, in doing so she stretched the skin of his now delicate penis, casing Angel to whimper. 'Be a good little slave and come with me.' Her words seemed to soothe Angel. Using his balls she giddied him the the centre of the room. 'Now, slut, stand still and don't move or I will punish you until you cry like a baby girl.' she was a little disappointed in her threat, it seemed empty. She got a large dildo and lubricated it, then taking a ring gag and blind fold moved back to her awaiting slut. Angels eyes followed her the whole way. 'Shove this in your ass and fuck yourself slowly'. She giggled as she moved to place the blind fold on. She made sure that the gag was tight, a job made harder by Angels constant movement whilst he fucked him self in the ass.

She let her crop fall onto the end of Angels cock.  He stepped back in pain and let out a cry. 'Now you need to be punished, slave, I Told you not to move.' Mistress grab his balls and pulled down as she hit them solidly once. 'Now, slave, next time I have to stop you will get two then three, you get the picture.' she laughed 'Now stay still. She hit him again as he cried out in pain and tried to stayed still. After several blow she realised that he had stopped fucking himself. 'Punishment time, you need to fuck yourself hard, it will help you take your mind off the pain, slut' Angel was a wreak by the time she had finished with him. then made to lay down on the ground. SHe chained him up again right ankle to right hand and left to left....leaving him totally exposed.

'Would you like to cum?' Mistress spoke sexually as she slipped the rig over his cock and balls. 'Yes please Mistress.' Angel replied enthusiastically. 'Not a chance!' She laughed as she removed the CB2000 only to replace it by a 'seed pod chastity'. It was an ingenieus device, two half parts wich on the bootom side has a consttraption that held his little dick in place and after shutting the two halves together were closed with a very rare tool and on top of that a high security stainless steel lock.  'Click' 'Try removing this one worm,.....hahaha.....oh what fun I will have! And not only because I have a nice movie and pictures of you, but also because you want to!'  Angel felt like crying as he heard his tormentors foot steps head into the shower. He started to whimper as he reality settled in.  As she came out of the shower, she was dressed casual in jeans and shirt, her boots were replaced by very high heeled pumps. "So let's get on with business !'

'What do you mean Mistress?' he asked. 'I want all the info out of yoy I can get....oh and don't's not about money! I have enough myself, no I realy want to have some serious fun! And you will be my provider! Let me start by saying that I already made a copy of your drivers-license ans wich is allready in a save place. Now I want access to your private Facebook account, as I allready checked you have one!'

'But Mistress....' with that she took a cane and hit him real hard several times. 'I asked you a question and you have only one chance to answer before I really get mad'

Not shure what to do, but afraid of what was to come he told her his accountname and password. She turned him on his stomach and by simply applying a padlock between the two cuffs he was effectively left in a hogtie. With a chain coming forom above him he was painfully lifted till only a small part of his belly rested on the floor.lifted  She left the room and came back about an hour later; "So I checked your account and brought an usb -stick with your lovely pictures to my girlfriend who you will meet soon enough....If I don't give her a call within 15 minutes, you made yourself a moviestar for all your 419 facebookfriends. I saw some relatives and I als saw you're working as a teacher on a school, must be quit popular seeing all those kids as your friends on Facebook! Do you think I've made myself clear?'

'Yes, Mistress' he replied. 'Good! That's settled than' and with that she started to unlock him out of his painful position.'Make sure you check your mail and textmessages....I might need you soon! Now leave!'
'But Mistress...what about  my clothes?'
'Oops I almost forgot' she said laughing out loud. 'The next time you will be here, you come through the backyard where you will leave your clothes in the green bin. No males are allowed to wear clohes at my home. I want you stark naked except for your little device and what's in the bin. In the bin you also will find your buttplug, anklecuffs, handcuffs and a gag. Be sure to wear them at our next date. For now you will leave through the front door and when you go right will find an alley that leads to several doors to backyards, one of the is will finfd your clothes in the bin. Beshure to remember what I just told you an d be shure to be on time the next time I want to see you .....and naked and shaved from the neck down!'

She opened the front door and looked outside, not wanting anybody to see a naked man leaving her home. 'Oh my....what fun we will have in the future and how frustrated you are going to be' she said tapping on his device' "But that;s for later. Now good luck finding your clothes and thank you for this lovely first meeting'.

With that he was send out on the streets....naked and in chastity

02:19:46 27 Oktober 2014 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Permanent chastity

Chapter 1: Harry's Demise

Harry was a rocket scientist, well kind of. Having majored in chemistry in college, but graduating far short of Phi Beta Kappa, Harry found a niche in life as a cross between the chemist he always wanted to be and a mad scientist. Landarin Chemical Corporation, or LCC for short, employed Harry in its R & D labs trying to find practical applications for the high tech compounds that LCC discovered.

When Harry wasn't mixing chemicals, Harry spent his time at home with Sue, his wife of 8 years. Sue, who considered herself more late twenty-ish rather than the early thirty-ish she really was, was quite attractive by any standard. In fact, Sue was still a looker.

Sue and Harry enjoyed a fairly active sex life, periodically venturing into the worlds of bondage and domination. Sue was the far more aggressive of the two, and she enjoyed finding ways to make her hubby squirm in anticipation of their sexual encounters.

But like any good marriage, Sue and Harry had slowed down a little in the love making department. Harry really didn't notice a change, but for Sue, the decrease in attention from her man was starting to eat a hole in her heart. Sue didn't want her marriage to fade and set out to find a way to liven it up.

Sue started to burn up the credit card on books looking for those magical words of advice that would breathe new fire into their sex life. She read all she could on domination and submission, voyeurism, bondage, swinging, piercing, and some areas of sex that even she wouldnt venture into. As exciting as her box got reading those words of advice, there was that something that was missing, and that something was Harry. Sue needed to make Harry want her with his utmost attention, so Sue turned to the source of all sources, the Internet.

The Internet, for all its weaknesses, excels in the area of sexuality and Sue headed for that wealth of knowledge, Yahoo. After clicking until her fingers nearly fell off her hand, Sue stumbled across a subject she somehow overlooked: chastity. With a little bit of downloading and reading, a light bulb went off in Sue's head. "To make him want me, I'll just not let him have me.". And with that, Sue set off on a course to get Harry belted or something a little less than that initially. Harry didn't quite know what was heading his way, but the freight train of Sue's desires was on his track and he was about to get run over.

Sue had never been a plotting person, but now a streak of fun filled wickedness was starting to develop. Going back to the Internet, Sue found locking cock restraints that looked kind of fun. Fun in this case was dependent upon whether you were the purchaser or the wearer of said restraint. She settled on a small stainless steel cock cage that had a stainless steel band which locked behind the balls of the wearer. After a little e-commerce, Sue had pointed and clicked herself into a new beginning; or would it be fair to say Sue had pointed and clicked Harry into a new beginning, but he just didn't know it.

Friday evening rolled around and Sue nudged Harry up to the bedroom. He was tired after a long week of work, but with a little convincing, he was soon tied spread eagle to the bed. Harry, once in this position, became quite interested in his wife's activities. Sue's nails lightly scratched their way up and down Harry's chest. His nipples were pinched, twisted and nibbled upon. Fingers found their way around his balls and up to the tip of his cock.

If Harry had ever been far away, he wasn't now. Sue had gotten Harry's attention and he was loving life. And then she stopped. Not a word was said. She kissed her finger and then gently touched his lips. In the blink of an eye, Harry was blind folded and the bedroom light extinguished. Harry lied there on the bed, exposed to the world, with a dumb founded look on his face that nobody would ever see. And so like all men stuck in this position for unknown periods of time, Harry fell asleep.

Sleep didn't last long for Harry. Sue had stealthily sneaked back into the bedroom with her soon to be favorite new toy, the cock cage. With the utmost care, Harry's now limp organ was placed into its cage. Harry, who quickly awoke, had not a clue as to what was going on but he kind of liked the sudden attention that was being focused down below. And then there were two events that kind of baffled Harry, something tight being wrapped behind his balls and a single click. And then he heard some words spoken in an almost magical tone, "now its all mine".

With that, Sue untied Harry's feet, then his arms and left the room, darted out the front door and disappeared into the evening air. In a flash, Harry removed the blind fold to see his dick locked tight in a cock cage. The cage held his dick straight out (or was it really the other way around at the moment?) and prevented him from being truly erect. Confusion and frustration quickly set in, and Harry started searching for Sue, but only found a note saying that she would be back shortly and instructions to not try to remove the cock cage for any reason.

Harry waited patiently for Sue's return. Patiently in this case did not mean he wasn't getting excited. After two hours, his dick was pounding in its cage and he started to feel excited in a way he hadn't in a long time. He wanted Sue, and he wanted her now! Upon Sue's arrival back home, Harry was a virtual non-stop, run on question. "Why did you do this? Where have you been? Where are the keys? When are you letting me out? Are you letting me out?" And on and on they went.

Sue reached down, grabbed the cage and gave it a little yank, which definitely got Harry's attention, and gave the simplest of answers, "tomorrow". The best Harry could muster was a "huhhhhh?" And with that, Sue gave Harry a kiss good night and headed off for bed. Harry didnt quite know the feeling rushing around inside of him, but he quickly decided he was not in a position to start an argument, and he crawled into bed besides his wife, who suddenly was incredibly close but unimaginably far away.

For Sue, the night passed quickly and without incident. For Harry, however, nights didn't come much longer than this. Sleep was elusive, never deep, and with many light dreams. Always right on the surface was his desire to get his dick unlocked and into his dear wifes pussy. And so the night dragged on.

Saturday, Sue awoke extremely refreshed and poor Harry looked like he stayed out all night at the local tavern. Sue left Harry in bed and started off her day. A couple of hours later, when Harry finally had gotten about 6 hours of sleep although he had been in bed for 11, Sue went back and pushed Harry out of bed and into the shower. While, he was showering, Sue changed into a sleek black teddy and some tall high heels, and waited for Harry. Harry pulled back the shower curtain to find a body of excitement standing in front of him, and his cock screamed for release from its cage.

Sue knelt down and pulled Harry's dick, cage and all, into her mouth. Harry didn't quite know what to do at this time. Holding Harry this way, the small lock behind his balls was unlocked and Sue's lips and the cock cage slid off of Harry. Harry sprang to life. Sue jumped to her feet, and running as fast as she could in heels, headed straight for the bed. Harry was right on her butt and soon the two were intertwined as one. As bad as Harry wanted to loose his load immediately in Sue, Sue kept him under control long enough for her to reach orgasm, and then finally let Harry cut loose.

Needless to say, Sue found Harry's interest in her to be the spark she had been looking for. With Harry's consent, each Friday night the cock cage was locked on. Depending on their weekend schedules, Harry could usually only stay locked up for part of Saturday and occasionally Sunday morning. Sue found this satisfying but really wanted Harry desiring her all the time. So Sue returned to the Internet, back to the chastity pages and started reading.

After a while, so realized that a permanent chastity belt for Harry, which he could where under his street clothes, would be the perfect solution. She scanned the pages for information on home built belts and thought that a custom made acrylic belt would be very appropriate. With Harry's chemical background and the facilities he has available to him at LCC, an acrylic belt would be no big deal. Or so she thought.

Well the weekend rolled around again a Sue locked Harry into his cock cage. Saturday came and went, then Sunday, and Sunday evening Harry went to Sue demanding his release and insisting on sex. Sue tried to calm him down and told Harry that he would have to patiently wait until Monday.

Monday was sheer torture for Harry. The cock cage caused a constant bulge to appear in his pants. All day long, whenever people were present, the main task was to keep covered up and undetected. At around 4:30, Sue called Harry and advised him to keep close to the fax machine, if he knew what was good for him. After a few minutes, the fax machine sprang to life and spit out the designs for an acrylic belt. The bottom of the fax read: "You stay locked up in until you come home with this on! P.S. I'm going out of town on business. See you on Friday."

Harry wanted to hit the roof, but instead quietly fumed back to his work area. After a little bit of thought, Harry told his boss that he would be working late the rest of the week.

Now Harry was faced with a problem. Here he was working in a world class chemical corporation and he didn't have available to him the chemicals to make an acrylic belt. So Harry decided to use what was available to him, and that was an extremely high tech, a carbon titanium composite which could be molded and cured fairly quickly. Besides being extremely light weight, the composite was as tough as hardened steel and wouldn't rust. All he had to do now was to come up with a locking mechanism that he could use with the composite materials.

Harry set about measuring himself and making a mold for the composite. Hours passed and Monday came to an end with Harry's poor cock still in its cage. Another day of embarrassment was ahead for Harry, but what could he do. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were much like Monday, but by Thursday night, the mold had been completed and the belt was finished being cured.

Friday, Sue was on her way home from her trip and she called to inquire on Harry's status. Harry explained that he finished the belt but couldn't put it on because of the cock cage. Sue told Harry where she had left the key, but told Harry "don't come home without the new belt on." Harry went home for lunch, picked up the keys, and removed the cock cage for the last time. He went back to work, rather horny and waited for the normal workday to end.

At 5 PM, Harry "worked" late again, and finished the final details of the belt. He checked the locking mechanism, which used a round "vending machine type" key. The molding process had left burrs and ridges, but diamond sanding tools removed those mild defects. Finally, the moment of truth was upon Harry. He undressed and stepped into the belt. As he pulled it up around his waist, he couldn't but wonder how she had talked him into making such a belt (actually she didn't, she gave him an ultimatum and he obeyed her).

With a deep breath, he squeezed each half of the waistband into the front plate and heard the decisive clicks as each half locked into position. He pushed and shoved until the belt fit just right. Even though he was nervous beyond belief, he was damn proud of the workmanship that had gone into the belt. He pulled his trousers back up and headed for the men's room to see if the belt would block any of his bodily functions.

After the initial shock of not being able to use the urinal, Harry successfully completed his goal. There were no problems urinating or defecating, except cleanup was a little harder than he expected. In no time at all, he was heading back to the lab.

When he reached the lab, he was rather surprised. His card key wouldn't open the lab door. Harry headed down to security only to learn that due to the holiday weekend, all lab facilities were locked down at 5:30. "Go home and enjoy your weekend" was the guard's advice. Harry was out of luck and left for home.

Sue met Harry at the door. She had arrived home in the afternoon after Harry's lunch and found the cock cage sitting on the bathroom sink. She couldn't wait to see Harry in his new acrylic belt. Before Harry could say a word, she opened his pants and pulled them down to his knees. The belt was absolutely gorgeous, a gray silvery metallic color that glimmered in the later afternoon sun. She was disappointed, though, that she couldn't see Harry's cock through it as she hoped she would with the acrylic.

Regardless, Sue stood up and stuck out her hand, palm up. "Key please."

Harry gulped and started into a long explanation of how the keys were left on the lab desk, how it was a three day weekend and he was stuck until Tuesday when he could retrieve the keys. Sue looked at him in disbelief, trying to figure out how someone so smart could be so stupid at times. "Fine", she said, disrobing in front of Harry and starting to rub her body against his. Harry immediately sensed the nature of his mistake. There was no getting out of this belt for the rest of the weekend. Without the key, the belt was permanently locked on and there was nothing short of industrial grade cutting tools that would take the belt off of him. It probably would be easier to cut Harry in half than would it be to cut the belt.

Sue laid upon the floor of the living room and pulled Harry down on top of her. Harry quickly took the hint and started kissing her neck, and breasts. He teased her nipples gently at first, then more intensely as Sue heated up. Sue started to grind her hips against Harry, but Harry's cock was nowhere to be seen. He felt it though, as it expanded in its molded guard, getting hard but never getting large enough to be fully engorged. He definitely under estimated how large his cock got when Sue got him going.

Sue pushed Harry's head down between her thighs and started to gyrate her hips, forcing her pussy into his mouth. Sue wouldn't say it, but she had become incredibly worked up thinking about Harry wanting to fuck her but not being able to. She wrapped her legs around his neck and grabbed his hair, pulling his face tight against her. She was loosing control fast and came in an incredible climax. When she regained some sense of composure and her breathing returned to normal, she quipped "I'm glad its you that is locked up. I like this shit way too much! Now you're all mine. How long should I make you wait before I let you out?"

Harry was kind of shell shocked. He never realized how much Sue would get off having his dick locked up permanently. Being a smart ass, "Forever my dear" he snidely responded, knowing that the first thing on Tuesday he would unlock and remove this ungodly device. "Don't worry, I'll let you out on occasion, when I really want you.", Sue replied, pushing Harry's head back between her legs for another go at it. Sue seemed to have turned into an orgasm machine and for now, Harry could only go along with her.

For Harry, the holiday weekend seemed like an eternity. Sleeping the first couple of nights was the hardest part, leaving him exhausted during the days. Monday was spent visiting friends, and for a short while his mind drifted away from his predicament. Unbelievably, he was starting to get used to the belt but had a long way to go before he wouldn't notice it.

Tuesday morning arrived like any other work morning and Harry trucked off to work at LCC. When he entered the building, the guard handed Harry a note that he was to attend a meeting in the second floor conference room starting at 9. Looking at his watch, 9:05, Harry realized the meeting had already started and made a mad dash for the second floor conference room.

He quietly entered the back of the conference room and sat near the end of the table. His boss was ranting and raving about a theft that occurred and the loss of precious company trade secrets, secrets that could severely hurt LCC's bottom line for the next couple of quarters. Around the room, Harry's coworkers had that group befuddled look, not having a clue what the boss was talking about. Harry had that same look.

After the group was thoroughly berated, the meeting came to an end. Everyone got up to leave and the boss yelled over to Harry and asked him to stick around. Harry couldn't believe that of all days, today would have to be the one he came to work five minutes late. Well, it was time to be chewed out like a man, and Harry sat back down.

When everyone else had left the room, the boss came up and sat across from Harry. "Harry, you've been working for LCC for a long time. I don't want to accuse you of anything, but last week you worked late every night except Friday, and your time logs don't explain what you where doing. Can you explain?"

White as a ghost. That was the only way to describe Harry. He sat there locked in the chastity belt he made during all of those late nights and there was no way he could tell his boss. "Oh, I just was trying this and that, but didn't have much luck creating anything useful. Is there a problem with my working late?"

"Harry, a good amount of that new carbon titanium composite disappeared from your lab last week. Nobody reports having worked with the material except you, and you only accounted for about 5% of what was actually used. Now then, can you tell me exactly what you were working on and what happened to the other 95% of the composite?"

Harry had gone from being a ghost to visibly shaken. He mumbled and stuttered different theories of what could possibly have happened, from coworkers taking the compound to accounting errors. By the time he was done, sweat was pouring from his forehead. The response to his boss was horrible.

"Harry, I hate to accuse you of theft and I dont have enough evidence yet to prove that you actually stole the compound, but I do believe after hearing all those lame excuses and seeing you here, that somehow, in some fashion, you were responsible for the loss of that compound. Do you wish to contest this?" Harry didn't know what to say and he sat there staring like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

"As of now, you are formally suspended. If you can provide some proof of what you were working on last week and show that you are not responsible for the loss of materials, I'll consider not following through with your termination. Otherwise, one week from today, personnel will cut you your final paycheck." With that, the boss leaned over and demanded Harry's card key, then picked up the phone and called security.

Harry was devastated. After being escorted out of the building, he rushed home and called Sue. He was so pissed off he could barely talk. All those years of service, gone. Job offers from other companies, gone. How would they make ends meet? Sue, upset but still thinking rationally, replied "Did you get the key?"

The silence was deafening. An EKG would probably record all kinds of weird heart arrhythmia's that the world's finest cardiologists wouldn't ever be able to diagnose. He nearly collapsed and finally let out a weak, barely audible "no".

The silence on the other end of the phone was now a bad as it was on Harry's end. Sue dropped the phone and ran to the ladies room. She actually pissed herself. "Sue. Sue are you still there? Sue, we'll do something. Sue, answer me" crept from the handset.

Sue, went to her boss and explained that Harry had lost his job and was at home, terribly distraught, and she had to leave work early to help him before he did something stupid. Nearly smashing her car several times on the rush home, Sue ran in and started to cry. She felt awful for Harry. He lost his job and would have a tough time getting another job in the chemical industry with accusations of theft haunting him. And the poor sole was permanently locked in a chastity belt she wished upon him.

The day wore on and Sue took Harry to the workshop in the garage. She was sure that with all the tools they had in there that there had to be a way to cut this thing off. They couldn't saw the waist band without the risk of seriously cutting Harry. The belt was too thick for the bolt cutters and hand cutting tools didn't even scratch the surface. The lock appeared to be hardened and the drill bits just snapped off. It wasn't the acrylic Sue had in mind.

Sue never wanted Harry's dick so much in her life as she did now. After a while, they gave up in frustration and headed back to the main part of the house. That night and the rest of the week, they tried to figure out a solution to their problem. They tried calling Harry's coworkers but none of them would give them even a chance to ask for help. They got the same responde from everyone: "I don't want to be associated with Harry and the mess he is in."

Harry and Sue discussed going back to the boss and trying to explain how Harry really didn't steal the composite to give to some other company, but Harry refused to disclose to anyone that he made a chastity belt for himself. Harry thought of trying to break into the lab to get the key, but the thought of life in prison (a real prison, not the one locking up his groin) didn't sit well with him.

Weeks went by, Harry's final check arrived with a poorly worded letter of dismissal. Harry tried to find a job as a chemist but to no luck. The best he could do was to get a job selling chemicals. "Harry, honesty isn't a prerequisite for a salesman." At least part of his life was becoming normal again.

The one thing Harry yearned for the most was to get inside of Sue again. Sue was now caught in the trap she had set for Harry, and unbelievably wanted to fuck Harry's brains out, all the time. They couldn't have intercourse, but they soon discovered ways of pleasing each other that they overlooked in the past.

Although Harry would never have an orgasm again, they both learned all of spots on Harry that got him incredibly turned on. Harry had never known how sensitive the rest of his body really was. He loved being touched and kissed by Sue. He was learning the magic of touching her, massaging her, and bringing her to climax whenever possible.

Harry never blamed Sue for his predicament, he just blamed it on his own stupidity for leaving that damn key on the counter at the wrong moment.

Life went on for Harry and Sue, but Sue's initial dream had come true. Harry wanted her more than anything else in the world, and as long as she was always there, just in reach but never truly reachable, he would always desire her. She longed to feel him inside of her, but like Harry, as time went on the desire only got greater. Sue had gotten her wish, plus some. Harry wanted her and worshipped the ground she stood on. She felt the same way towards Harry. Of all the things in life, this was all that mattered.

After a while, they never really spoke much of getting Harry out of the belt. Harry always hoped for a day when one of his ex-coworkers would stop buy with a box of Harry's personal belongings from the lab, with a key that nobody could figure what it belonged to. That day would never come, but Harry didn't know it.

Chapter 2: The taking of Sue

Two and a half years had passed since that fateful day when Harry came home from work locked in his new, composite chastity belt. Since that time, neither Harry nor Sue knew whom it was harder upon. Was it worse for Harry, who had gone without and orgasm in 30 months, or was it worse for Sue, who had forced Harry into making the belt in the first place? Sue had never quite forgiven herself, or the management at LCC, Harry's former employer, for treating Harry like they did and preventing him from gaining access to the key that would free him. Therefore, it was really a shock to Sue to get a call from Marla, the assistant to Harry's boss.

Marla explained to Sue that she recently was promoted to the position held by Harry's old boss. She had some things she would like to discuss with Sue in person, without Harry being present. Considering the fond attitude she held toward LCC management, Sue was ready to tell her to screw off, but thought the chance to tell this chick to fuck off face to face may be more satisfying in person, than on the phone. So without a hint of despise in her voice, Sue graciously agreed to meet Marla at a small pub.

Sue arrived a little early, chose a table in the corner and ordered a glass of Chablis. While waiting for both Marla and her drink to arrive, Sue contemplated over all the things she had wanted to say Harry's boss over the years, but never had the chance. There were five minutes left until Marla arrived and Sue savored the countdown 'till the kill. She just didn't know, she was the hunted one.

At 5:45 exactly, Marla walked through the door of the pub and looked around. Sue saw Marla enter, but never having met Marla, immediately eliminated her from the possible women that could be a LCC manager. Marla having seen photos of Sue scanned the small crowd in the pub and immediately picked out Sue and approached her. Marla walked directly to Sue, reached down to shake hands and introduced herself.

Sue was caught off guard. Marla was a young woman, mid to late twenties, who was not the stereotypical manager. Curly brown hair reached half way down her back. Her face was evenly tan, beautifully made up, without a wrinkle or indication that life had ever worried her. She carried herself on long thin legs, exquisitely shaped, framed by 5 inch pumps at the bottom and a very provocative, short leather skirt at the top. All of this, and she had a small waist and a nice set of firm tits to match. She was not your average manager type. Very, very attractive was the summary of Sue's initial impression.

The conversation initially was all small talk as each woman sized the other up. "How was Harry?" "What is he doing now?" "Is he happy with what he is doing?" "Are you two getting along financially?" Sue answered these politely, waiting for the opportune moment to start her attack. And then out of the blue, a bolt of lightning struck Sue as she sat there across from Marla: "Is Harry still locked up in his chastity belt?" Shit, Sue didn't even hear the thunder.

"You know Sue, I've waited for two and a half years to ask that question. You didn't think anyone knew did you?" Marla had struck the first blow. Sue's face had suddenly drained of blood. Her mind raced for a quick, witty reply, but all she could say is "What? What chastity belt? Harry in a chastity belt, what, are you crazy?" Sue was taken so off guard, she didn't know if the words actually came out or whether she had just mouthed them.

"Look Sue, we both know the truth about Harry. I'm not sure how you did it, but somehow you got him to stay late that last week and make a chastity belt out of the new composite material. I'll tell you something, I didn't get to see it on him, but I saw it that last night before he completed it and it was a real work of art. That last Friday I was wet all day thinking of him locking that belt on. It's a real shame I couldn't have seen him do it."

The look on Sue's face truly was priceless at this point. Her mouth hung open a bit and her eyes were wide but focused on Marla's every word.

"When Harry left the lab on Friday evening, I was in my office across the hall. I sneaked into his lab to see the belt again, but it wasn't there. I knew he had to be wearing it. And right there on the desktop were the keys to the belt. I just grabbed them, left the lab, and used my administrative authorization code to lock the lab before he could come back. Harry didn't know I was watching him when he returned. He was so confused, scared, uh', I guess shocked that he couldn't get back in the lab. It was just wonderful."

"Well that night I went home, and God, the thought of him being locked up just wound me up like I've never been wound up before. You know, its not like Harry is a hunk or anything, but the thought of his poor little dick being locked up got me so excited, I must have cum fifteen times just thinking about it, him trying to get out it, then you and then the two of you together. You couldn't believe how hot I got." Sue couldn't believe what was rolling out of Marla's mouth, but she just kept listening.

"So you see, I just couldn't let Harry get out of the belt. So, I called the right people and informed them of the 'theft' that had been perpetrated by Harry and the rest is history. Since then, I've created a small stable of both men and women, who are now permanently belted, except when I want to use them as I see fit. All of this brings me of course to you."

"You what! You fucking bitch. How dare you screw with Harry and my lives like you've done." Sue was starting to get her composure back you could say. "Our whole life is a wreck now. Harry makes barely enough to get by. I haven't felt his dick in my pussy or mouth for a long, long time, you ignorant bitch. Why the fuck are you doing this to us." Sue really started to dig in and fight.

Marla just sat there, not fazed in the least, waiting for the initial assault from Sue to settle down. "If you are done ranting and raving, I have a proposal for you."

"Why should I listen to anything else you have to say bitch?" Sue snarled.

"Because I still have the keys." That got Sue's attention.

Marla let Sue just think for a second before continuing. "You know the whole thing with Harry and that belt really brought out a side of me, well I guess I knew it was there, but I kept it repressed for a long time. I like to control people. Make them my toys, my possessions. I like controlling their sex lives. You know, the way you tried to control Harry's sex life. See, we are not all that different."

"So before you tell me to go fuck off again, hear me out. I have a proposal for you. You and Harry both. You see, the way I see what happened is, you wanted Harry to be locked up, ready at you disposal. But guess what, you don't have the keys, I do and Harry's sex is mine now. Its all your fault this happened in the first place, not mine, but I'm in control now, not you. As I told you on the phone, I now have the job of the man that fired Harry. With the right couple of memos saying that what happened with Harry was really an inventory accounting error, I could have Harry back to work by Monday."

"Well, that's awfully fucking nice of you. What's the catch? He's still locked up isn't he?"

"The catch is Sue, well really, is you. That little box of yours becomes my property. If you and Harry agree to this employment offer, you get fitted with a custom made, composite belt just like Harry's. Whenever you are locked in, you won't have any access to that clit of yours and neither will Harry. That's the price."

"You must be out of your fucking mind! Why in God's name would I do something like that?"

"First off, this is all your fault. Putting that aside though, if you give me control of your pussy, I'll make certain concessions. When I see fit, I'll remove Harry's belt and give you access to his member. You remember it, don't you? You'll be able to stroke it, caress it, kiss it, suck it, like you used to and have been waiting to do for a long time. Periodically, I'll remove your belt so he can have your pussy to play with. The only real catch is, I'm never going to remove your belt and his belt at the same time. Well then, what do you think. Are you ready to trade you freedom for the feel of his dick in your mouth again?"

Sue didn't say anything this time. The options being presented were seriously beyond Sue's or any normal persons comprehension level. Marla continued, "Of course, if Harry so desires he can fuck me whenever he wants. By the way, you can fuck me too if you'd like. You know I think I would like fucking Harry. Think this offer over wisely for a while, before you decide. I'm only making this offer once. You have two options. You can neither see nor feel Harry's dick ever again, or you can give control of your sex to me and you can feel that dick of his explode in your mouth like it used to. You decide. I'll give you 24 hours."

Marla handed Sue two business cards, one for herself and one for a tailor. "By tomorrow at 5:45, call me with your decision, If you agree, go see this man to have your measurements taken. Don't be too angry, after all, we are going to be friends, I would think close friends, for a long, long time."

With that Marla got up and started to walk past Sue on her way to the door. Abruptly she stopped and bent over, kissing Sue gently on the lips. Without another word, she smiled and walked out.

The next 24 hours for Sue were the longest in her life. Harry had no idea of what was wrong with her that evening, but he was betting on PMS. He gave her wide berth as she had no tolerance for anything Harry did. The hours went by like minutes. Sue slept, or tried to sleep, in a separate bedroom from Harry that night. Dawn came, and the weight of the world felt like it was crushing her. How could she freely give up her sex to that miserable bitch? How could she keep her husband locked up forever? Two impossible questions, no right answer.

The minutes ticked on, and 5:45 approached. At 5:44 Sue reached for the phone and dialed the number. Marla answered and Sue blurted out "I'll do it". She felt as if she had just sold her soul to the devil. "Tell Harry that he has his old job back, starting Monday morning. By the way, I knew you would make the right decision. Bye." Sue just hung up and left to meet the tailor.

Sue didn't tell Harry about the deal she made with Marla. She did tell him that there had been a call from the personnel department, somehow everything had been made right again, and he would be returning to his old job. He would have a new boss, a lady boss. Sue really was hoping Marla was going to change her mind before Harry reported to work.

A few weeks later, well after Harry's return to work, Marla arrived at Sue's with a box and Sue knew the moment of truth was upon her. She carefully opened the box and looked at the contents. There was a belt, made of the same composite material Harry had used to make his belt. The craftsman ship of the belt was exquisite, not a blemish or rough edge to be seen. She picked it up. The belt was rather light in weight, but solid. Placing it back down she kept denying to herself this was happening.

Again she picked up the belt and looked over what she was about to commit to. The waist band was about 1" wide and a 0,25" thick. It was molded to follow the curves of her hips. There was a 1" wide strip that ran down the crack of her ass, opening to an oval for her anus, then resuming as a single strip that connected to the face plate. The face plate was really two pieces, a slotted piece that would closely cover her pussy, with just enough room for her labia lips to protrude. The second piece was a cover that sat about an inch above the first piece, forming a hood such that nothing would ever be able to touch her. It was really an amazing piece of hardware, a single piece of molded composite sitting in front of her, waiting to take her sex.

She slowly let her skirt drop to the floor and then removed her panties. Marla approached her and quietly asked her to turn around. Surrendering, Sue turned away from Marla. Marla lightly ran her hands over Sue's legs and buttocks, then worked her fingers around the front to Sue's sex. Sue quivered as she did this, closed her eyes and tried to imagine that this was just a bad dream. Marla liked what she felt and smiled a wicked little smile that Sue could not see.

Marla said "I really wish I could have seen Harry that first night. The first time is just so exciting. Well then, lets do it. Please lift your right foot." Sue complied and Marla slipped the belt under her foot. "Put your foot down now and lift your other foot." The belt was slipped over the other foot and Sue placed her foot back on the floor. Marla held the belt at Sue's knees. "Reach down and touch yourself. It will be a while before you have the chance to do it again." Sue complied, but she couldn't excite herself at all. "Ok, that was your chance, now place your hands behind your neck." Sue reached up and took a deep breath. Marla worked the belt up, over her thighs and ass, until the waist band was at the final height. "You're mine" and with that Marla pushed the ends of the waist band into the front plate, securely locking Sue's sex.

"To give you time to get used to this, I'll let you wear it a short while before I let you out again. Hmmm, Harry was locked up for two and half years, that seems like an appropriate break in period. Don't you think so? Anyway, in a month or so, I'll start letting Harry out for a couple or days or so at a time. Treat him well, he deserves it. Make sure you both follow my every rule, or else one of you may end up being belted for a long, long time without a break, maybe even forever."

Marla walked around the front of Sue, and with a wicked smile, stripped in front of her. "Now its time for your first lesson as my new toy, get on your knees and make me enjoy this moment like I've enjoyed no other." Marla, sat on the edge of the couch and open her legs wide for Sue.

Sue was absolutely humiliated, but crawled over to Marla's, dripping wet pussy. It was incredibly wet. Slowly she started to lick it, driving Marla's hips into an instant gyration. Right when Marla was about to explode, Sue pulled back. "Fuck you, bitch. You can lock me up, but I'm not going to be your whore."

"There, there my little pet. You will learn that you are my slut now, to do with as I see fit. That outburst just cost your dear hubby another month before you can blow him. Mouth off to me again, and I'll add another year to both your and his belted times. So if I were you, I'd put that slutty little mouth back where it belongs and learn a little respect." Marla was beside herself. Of all the people in her stable, she new Sue was going to be the most fun. As Sue buried her face in Marla's pussy again, Marla exploded like she never had in her entire life. She reached down, ran her fingers through Sue's hair and held her head in place for the next half hour. What a wonderful time she was having.

"Sue, you will learn that I give all the orders and take all the pleasure. Except for that little outburst, you behaved oh so well this first time. I think I will have you service me on a regular basis. But poor Harry is going to have to wait two months before you can suck him and I can fuck him. Think about that for a while. I'll leave you now to get cleaned up before Harry returns. I imagine tonight will be very interesting for the two of you." Marla got dressed and left.

For Sue, it now really sunk in. Both Harry and herself were now Marla's property. They were both locked up, and it was going to be different now. Oh, how it was going to be different.

As soon as Marla left, Sue tried to get the belt off. No way, no how. This belt was made perfectly for Sue. There wasn't even any place on the belt where there was a gap between the belt and skin. And oh, how her box was yearning to be touched. As much of a bitch Marla was, Sue couldn't help become aroused by being forced to eat pussy.

Sue ran her fingers down to the shields. Regardless of what she did, the belt did not give at all. She couldn't touch her clit. Harry wouldn't be able to touch or lick her clit. "Fuck, fuck, fuck" is all so could mutter. Sue's heart raced. The clock chimed in the hall and Sue realized that Harry would be home very soon. She rushed to the bathroom, washed up and tried to make herself presentable.

While she was dressing she heard Harry arrive home. "I'll be down in a minute. How about we go out to dinner." She was hiding the truth from Harry but she would have to tell him over to dinner. As they were getting ready to leave, Sue changed her mind and turned to Harry. "Can we talk for a few minutes before we go?"

"Sure, what's up?" The went into the living room and sat down on the sofa together.

"Harry, I have always loved you. Ever since you got locked in that belt, I've blamed myself for being the cause of your anguish, your inability to have sex with me, to just have an orgasm. I've really felt bad ever since that dreadful day when you couldn't go back for the keys." Sue's eyes were starting to fill up. "I would do anything in the world to give you the chance to get out of that belt. You know that, don't you."

Harry was a little taken off guard. He wasn't really sure why Sue chose now to discuss this issue, but these discussions had popped up periodically since he became belted. "Its ok Sue, we've talked about this before. There is no way I'll ever get out of this belt and there is nothing you can do about it. Just let it go."

"You just don't understand, there is a way to get you out of the belt. I found a way to get you out of the belt, or rather some way to get you out of the belt found me, but either way you are going to be let out in about two months."

Harry was really starting to question Sue's sanity at this point. "What are you talking about? I don't have the keys. You don't have the keys. I can't get out and you can't let me out. So just who is going to let me out in two months?"

"Your new boss, Marla, that's who. She has the key to your belt Harry! She's only going to let you out of the belt when she decides." Sue took a few minutes to explain to Harry about Marla discovering the belt, taking the key, and getting him fired.

Harry was physically shaken. "Once this belt comes off, I'm never putting it back on. I don't care what that controlling bitch thinks, says or does, but I'll never be locked up again." Sue burst out crying after that statement, which really confused Harry.

Harry hugged Sue and tried to calm her down. Sue was mumbling something about "my belt", but Harry couldn't quite make it out. Finally Harry got Sue to relax, control her breathing and gain some self control. Sue got up and walked across the living room.

"Ok Sue, you were trying to tell me something a second ago about my belt. What is it."

"No Harry, I wasn't talking about your belt. If you refuse to put your belt back on Harry, Marla is never, ever, going to take my belt off." And with that she lifted the hem of her dress and showed Harry the newest edition to her wardrobe.

The good thing about nightmares is that eventually you wake up. Harry definitely had the feeling he couldn't wake up. He ran over to Sue, got down on his knees and looked at the unbelievable sight that had suddenly appeared. He had long ago given up on gaining access to his own member, and truly fell in love with touching Sue's pussy, eating it, bringing it to orgasm, and now it was locked up out of reach, just like his dick was long out of reach.

"Oh my God. What have you done? Why in the hell did you put this thing on? Are you crazy? You've seen me suffer over the years, why would you do something as stupid as this?" Sue started crying again.

"Because Harry, I love you. She said she would never let us both out at the same time, but she would let us out periodically to be serviced by each other, as long as we followed her every wish and command. Harry, it just wasn't fair that you be locked up forever. I'm sorry, I should have talked to you about this before hand, but you would never have agreed to it."

"Periodically. What do you mean by that. When will I be able to touch you again? What about me?"

"Well for you, you will be out in about two months. Originally she said she would let you out in a month, but I refused to eat her pussy, and she changed it to two months. Then, I had to eat her out for half an hour." Sue didn't offer anything more.

"And what about your release?" Harry shouted, or almost shouted as he was trying to contain his anger.

Meagerly, Sue replied "She said something about a break in period. Two and half years. Harry, I'm going to go crazy if you can't touch me for that long."

Harry walked over to the sofa and sat back down. He placed his heads in his hands as his elbows rested on his knees. He slowly shook his head. Sue watched from a distance, giving Harry the time and space he needed. After what seemed an eternity, he looked up at Sue with the most resigned look on his face she had ever seen. Harry calmly said, "We will play her games for now. We'll do whatever she says or demands. But I swear, I will figure out a way to get us out of these belts. When I do, she is going to get paid back a thousand times over."

With that statement, Harry and Sue started their joint submission to Marla.

Chapter 3: Marla's New Life

She sat at her desk, looking over last years numbers. Since taking the new position, the company has been doing very well. There was a small set-back, when Harry was lost 2 years ago. But she had found a way to get him back. As she paged through the documents, her phone rang. She answered.

"Yes, I've been expecting him. Send him in.", she smiles, hanging up the phone. The door opens, and Harry walks in.

"Hello Harry, have a seat.", she says to him smiling. He approaches her desk, trying to hide is hatred for her, and sits.

"So, how's it feel to be back? Everything falling back into place?", she asks.

"Yes, I'm doing ok. It's good to be back.", he replies, trying to force a smile.

"Good. Well, I called you hear because it's been 2 months since Sue decided to help you. How has she been?", she asked. It had been the worst 2 months of Sue's life. Harry and Sue spent hours trying to get her new belt off, but like Harry's belt nothing they tried could even scratch the surface.

"She's doing well, and adjusting. I told her it would be better after a few more months.", he replied, trying to tell her what she wanted to hear.

"Great. Glad to hear it. I'm so glad she made the right decision.", she said with a smile.

She continued. "Well, let's get to the point. I'm sure you're anxious to get that belt off, so let's do it. Stand up and lower your pants.", she said, standing up, straightening our her tight leather skirt. Harry knew better than to protest, so he complied, unbuttoning his pants and lowering them to the floor.

Marla opened a drawer of her desk, and pulled out a set of keys. She set them on the desk and approached Harry, bringing her hand to the front-- the black impenetrable prison covering Harry's crotch, smiling, tapping her long red painted fingernails on the surface.

Harry looked at the keys, his heart racing.

"I can see you're pretty anxious to get the belt off, but before we do that I want to show you something."

She walked to the other side of her office, and returned with a screwdriver and a small hammer.

"One of my men discovered a small flaw in the original design. Let me show you..", she said, bringing the head of the screwdriver to the keyhole on the belt.

"Turns out, if you tap it gently, in just the right spot..", she said slowly, tapping the handle with the hammer, " will..", she tapped again, popping the lock into the belt, causing the belt to split as if being unlocked. "..unlock!", she said with a smile. She set the hammer and screwdriver down, and pulled the belt apart.

"I think you can take it from here!", she said with a laugh, as she returned to her chair and sat down.

"Harry lowered the belt the rest of the way, and removed it from between his legs. The cool air rushed to his crotch and his dick slowly came to life for the first time in over 2 years.

"Oh, I'm flattered..", she said with a smile.

Not knowing what else to do, Harry quickly pulled up and buttoned his pants. He looked at the belt on the floor. The anger boiled inside-- knowing he had the power to remove the belt himself all this time.

"Your new belt will be ready in a week, so enjoy your freedom. Oh, and don't worry; the new belt has been greatly improved, and it isn't vulnerable to the screwdriver trick. I was so happy to have learned of the vulnerability early on. The poor guy who showed me wasn't thinking. He showed me while his wife was still locked up. Had he waited until her belt was off, they'd both be free now. But, they're both in new belts now. Nobody found out about the flaw, and I threatened him and his wife permanent chastity if the news got out before I had a chance to fix everyone. I had to get all the belts remade and installed quickly. Luckily my manufacturer is so cooperative.", she said, letting it all sink in. The way she ended led me to believe the manufacturer was also locked in a belt. How many people does she 'own'?

"Well, that's all I needed to discuss with you. Here, you might as well have your old keys. I bet you never thought you'd actually hold these again!", she laughed, handing me the keys to my old belt. He looked at them, and noticed there was a number '1' engraved in it.

"You are the first, so your keys are number '1'. I have to number all the keys or I'd lose track of everyone, since there are currently 37 people in my posession. Have a nice evening. Tell Sue hello for me.", she said with a laugh as she sat back in her leather chair putting her stiletto heeled feet on her desk.

Harry walked out of her office. His crotch felt strange, not being secured after all this time. He couldn't think of anything else but getting home for the rest of the day.

"Well, I'm sure you're pretty anxious. Drop your pants now!", said Sue after Harry walked in the door. He smiled and did as she requested while she too got undressed. Seconds later his manhood sprang to life. Sue touched it, and it was immediately hard.

"Something tells me I'm not going to be able to make this last very long..", she said with a smile. After fondling him for about 10 seconds, he exploded, moaning loudly. Years of built up energy released in seconds. He smiled and looked at Sue. She sat down on the couch and started to cry.

"I...I don't know how long I can stand this..", she said, pounding her fists on her chastity belt. Harry sat down next to her and held her close.

A week had passed since Harry had been released, when Marla called him into her office. He knew the reason.

"Hello Harry. I just wanted to let you know that I hadn't forgotten about you. You're new belt is ready. I'm sure you're anxious to try it on, so let's not wait any longer. Please lower your pants.", she said as she opened the box on her desk. The belt looked exactly as his previous belt.

"I haven't had the need to change the design, other than that little issue with the lock. It's been heavily re-enforced inside to prevent that little flaw. Put your hands behind your head.", she ordered. Harry complied.

"Now step in the left side.", she said as she rested the belt on the floor for him to step into. "Now the right side..". He stepped in. She raised it up, smiling, looking him in the eye for a few seconds, then back down as she raised it all the way up.".

"Ok, work yourself into the tube.", she said, holding the belt as he did so. She then raised it the rest of the way and pushed the ends together as they clicked, locking away his sex once again.

"There, doesn't that feel better being safely locked away again?", she asked, not expecting an answer.

"Ok, I'm sure you have work to do. Pull up your pants so you can get back to work.", she said, sitting back down at her desk and turning to her computer.

Harry left the office, and closed the door behind him. As he headed back to his office, he couldn't help but wonder who else in this office was in Marla's herd. 

Only Marla no time she was th proud owner of over a hundred keys. All desperate people she had on a very strong string. She started blackmailing some of them also in a financial way. Making her richer and richer.

Almost two years later she was a very wealthy woman. She invited all her victims over to a big hangar near the airport and made certain that each and everyone was locked up at that very same day.

'So nice of you to come to my little celebration' she announced. 'We make this a very special night.  I've arranged to have a great party. Now if you all will be so kind to strip of all your clothes and get naked within three minutes! For every second you are late, I will add a month to your chastity time. Three minutes start NOW'. There was a lot of noise but within three minutes 168 people stood naked as the day they were born waiting for her next order. 'Ok', she said 'Boarding time....

'I want all the men to go to the red container ....there you will find handcuffs, anklechains, gags and hoods....get yourself the items and go to your wives and stand facefront in front of her, Ladies I want all of you to line up on the yellow line. I'll give you all 5 minutes'. She was very much enjoying the eye-candy in front of her. 'Glad you made it within time' she said. 'Now I want you all to apply your cuffs  and gags, cuffs behind your backs and I want you to hand over the hoods to your wives. To make this a little more challenging I give you all three minutes! NOW!' 

Within time all men were chained and gagged just the way Marla ordered. 'Ok ladies.....your turn....I want you all to check your husbands chains. If I check later and find out your cheating I destroy both your keys. Finally I want you all to apply the hood to your lovely hubbies' she was having too much fun. After the checking she ordered the wives to head for the blue container and each get a pair of ankle- and handcuffs, two chains, four padlocks and a hood. She ordered the males to make a 90 degree left turn and ordered the wives to connect the chain with the first padlock to their husbands devices and with the second padlock chain the other end to the padlock of  man directly behind him, I want a chain gang of 84 naked males' she grinned.

After she had all ladies also chained up the same way as their hubbies, she went to the back and came back driving a 4wheel drive to the first male. She connected a chain from her car to his device and stepped out to connect the last male to the first woman in line. The last woman was chained to the backside wall.When she was finished she started her truck and drove till the line of 168 naked people was stretched to the max. 'Sorry for the males to miss this show, but ladies I'm sure You will do me a favour and tell them later what they have missed'.

She took out a bag and walked over to a table on which was a glass container with a liqiud in it. 'Please ladies may I have your attention' she announced ' In this bag I have all your keys.....but I don't have any need for them anymore see my plane is ready to fly within three hours to a nice little island to have a nice rest of my life' There was a lot of humming coming from behind all those gags ansd she even saw some tears'. 'I want to thank you all for your cooperation an...your money' with that she threw the keys in the liquid and they simply disolved. ' for the final touch as I have one hour left....I will hood you and we're going to make a little ride to the dessert right behind this building'

Almost fourty minutes later she started to unlock the last woman from the wall and headed for her car. She drove out the back followed by a naked chain of 186 naked, blind and mute people in chains. After ten minutes of slow driving she came to a stop and unlocked the first male from her car, relocking to a prepared rock in the warm dessert. Ladies and gents....within seven hours it will be light enough for people to find you. I will be in another continent by then with my private-jet which you all were so kind to sponsor' she laughed. 'Have a nice rest of your pathetic lives....I know I will'
Au Revoir!!

02:17:15 27 Oktober 2014 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Miss Danzerlace

It looks like I found a new Keyholder.
She looks very beautiful.

It's not easy finding a Keyholder, especially when you are looking for a mature Woman, close to my own age or older and someone who enjoys chastity as I do and stated this in her 'lives for' section at CollarSpace.

Miss Danzerlace has some very strict rules according to chastity.
I'm up for a very big challenge

Miss Danzerlace 10 Commandments of Compulsory Chastity


  1. As your owner owns every part of you she is entitled to determine which bits are used and when. Your owner therefore has the right to secure your genitals in any sort of chastity device of her choosing whenever she likes and for whatever period she likes.  
  2. Your owner does not require any reason or justification to lock you in a chastity device. The fact that she wants to is reason enough.Whether you do or don't want her to is irrelevant 
  3. You may not attempt to remove or circumvent any device with which you owner fits you. You are obliged to co-operate with your owner in the fitting of the device, help her in the securing of your genitals and draw her attention to any shortcomings in the functioning of the device so that she may ensure that it performs as she intends.  
  4. You must keep yourself clean and well cared for in that area so that wearing of the device is not impeded on health grounds and you can continue to be locked up for as long as she wants. This includes submitting to prostate milking to keep you clean internally.  
  5. Your owner has locked up your genitals to deprive you of the ability to play with yourself, attain erection or orgasm. They are no longer there for your pleasure: they're for hers. You're just carrying them around for her. If trying to get erect causes you discomfort, then don't do it.  
  6. You are obliged to keep your owner informed of your experiences in wearing your device. You should look at and touch the locked up area regularly to remind yourself of what you used to be able to use and enjoy, which she has locked away from you. Let her know how that makes you feel. She enjoys hearing about your suffering.  
  7. Your owner is entitled to tease you about your lack of ability to attain an erection or gain any satisfaction. She has taken it away from you and wants to enjoy it. She can get satisfaction whenever she wants: you can't. Tough. She probably finds that amusing.  
  8. You are not entitled to have your neutered status kept secret. If she wants to show off your condition, she can. Her friends will probably find it amusing too. 
  9. Your owner is entitled to stimulate you whether by exposure to erotic material, direct contact or otherwise so that she can enjoy the fact you gain only discomfort, not pleasure from it. It's funny.  
  10. You should take pleasure in the fact that your owner takes the time to control the use of her property and happy that it gives her some amusement. You should always thank her for securing you in chastity and let her know how grateful you are to have your genitals locked up under her control. You should always be happy if she decides to extend your time in chastity and tell her how much you like to continue being emasculated.

02:10:43 27 Oktober 2014 Permanente link Reacties (0)


Be careful who you talk to on line.  Jack met Kathy on line.  One thing led to another and the met in real life.  From the first time Jack met Cathy his life began to take a new twist.

Jack had posted an ad on one of the kinky Internet dating sites.  He didn’t expect anything to come of it.  Jacks ad read;

 “Submissive male, age 40, 6’ tall, blue eyes and blond hair would like to meet a
 dominant woman. Main interests are being bound, chastised, tortured and force to 
 to serve in any way the woman wishes.  I’m mostly interested in serving on line.  
 I could meet under the right circumstances.

Jack didn’t expect anything to come of his ad. In fact he had forgotten he had placed the ad.  One day he received an e-mail.  

“I found your ad interesting.  I will do some cyber domination.  How I much I can do remains to be seen.  If you are interested in chatting, meet me in #BDSM on IRC. Cha……. at 8 Saturday night.  Be there then or you will never hear from me. Kathy.  Use the name subbyboy.”

Saturday night I logged on to the chat room and signed in as subbyboy.  I saw Kathy on the list of people in the room.  Before I could do anything, the message, “Subbyboy, pm me Kathy.”

I brought up the private message box under Kathy’s name and typed, “Hi!” in the box.

“Don’t say hi to me sub.  My name is Ms Kathy.  Use that title at all times.”

We chatted awhile and Ms. Kathy told me that if I wanted to continue to cyber with her I would have to get a web cam.  She told me she had one and that if I had one we could see each other as we chatted.  She also told me that If I didn’t have a web camera she wouldn’t be able to see if I was obeying her orders.  Ms Kathy told me that I might make an interesting toy.  She told me that if I didn’t have a web camera that there would be no further contact between.  She gave me an e-mail address and told me to advise her when my web camera was set up.

I had no idea how to install a web camera or use it.  Thank goodness I had a friend that was really into computers.  I called and told him my problem.  He replied, “It will be a piece of cake.  We can set it up this weekend.  Shouldn’t cost you more than a couple of hundred bucks, if that.  Then I can show you how to use it.”

By Saturday evening the web camera was set up and I had a pretty good idea of how to use it.  I sent an e-mail to Ms. Kathy.  I surfed the net a little.  In a few minutes there was a ping indicating I had mail.  I opened the letter.  It was from Ms. Kathy.  It had instructions on how we could view each other and talk over the net.  I obeyed her instructions and soon a picture of a lady dressed as a dominatrix came on my computer screen.  This lady was beautiful.  She stood back from the camera and modelled her outfit for me.  Then she lifted her leg putting the sole and high heel of her shoe on the chair.  She posed with a whip.  I was hooked.  I immediately imagined her having me bound helpless on the floor and standing like that digging her heel into me.  I was immediately hard.

Ms. Kathy had long blond hair swept back into a pony tail.  She had deep azure blue eyes.  Her face had those high cheek bones and her face was long and narrow, giving of an air of dominance.  She had thin lips that I bet when was angry would have a cruel look to them.  She had perfectly shaped breasts and long lithe well developed legs.  When I pulled my eyes back into my head, I heard her saying.  “Boy move around a little I want to see what the pig I’m going to dominate looks like.” 

I did as she demanded.  We chatted awhile and she said, “I have to find out if we’re compatible. I’m going to send you a BD check list.   Print it, Fill it out, scan it into your computer and return it to me and meet me here at 8 tomorrow night.”  Ms Kathy signed off.

In a little while I again got the mail call from my computer.  I read her letter, opened the attachment and printed the file.  I looked at the 2 pages that had come from the printer.  There was check list of things related to bondage and domination.  I was to check the ones in which I was interested.  There must have been well over 200 things listed on that check list.  I went through it and ticked off the things that excited me.  That was most of them.  There were a few things I didn’t understand.  I made a mental note to ask Ms. Kathy about them.  I answered the 3 essay questions and mailed the form back to Ms. Kathy.

The next evening she was on when I got checked in at 8.  She told me she was impressed with my answers on the BD check list.  Then she said, “I don’t charge a fee for dominating interesting slaves on line.  However, from time to time I will want slaves to use things which I will purchase for them.  They cost money and some of them are expensive.  I have found that $50 dollars a week will just about cover it.  I promise you will get 99% of your money back in merchandise.  Is that agreeable to you?”

I thought to myself, “This is just another rip off.  I looked at Ms Kathy’s beautiful face radiating that air of dominance.”  I couldn’t resist.  I heard myself saying, “Yes Ms. Kathy that is fine with me.”

She replied, “Good send me a check for $100 tomorrow.  Then the first of every month I expect to receive a check for $200.”

She gave me several orders and watched as I carried them out.  Then she said, “I’m going to send you instructions on how to tie yourself up.  Make sure you have the items in my list handy when you sign on tomorrow night.  Be here at 8.”

I read the letter.  The next day I purchased the rope.  I cut it to the lengths which she directed.  We signed on 8.  Again she gave me a series of orders and told me to strip.  I obeyed.  When she saw my rock hard cock, she told me, “I’ll have to take care of that.  We can’t have that happening.”

Then Ms, Kathy told me to tie myself up as the letter had directed.  I was to be sure I was on camera at all times.  She said she hoped I had practiced doing it several times as she had suggested in her letter.  I was glad I had practiced.

I struggled to tie the final knot.  I was now hogtied.  I heard Ms. Kathy say, “Stay that way for 3 hours.  Make sure you’re on the camera at all times.  I’ll be watching you.

I thought, “God three hours.  I won’t be able to stand that.  Somehow I did.  When I untied myself I was stiff and hurt.  Ms Kathy had logged off.  I took a bath and went to bed.

The next night I logged on at 8.  Ms Kathy told me I had done well.  She had received my check.  As soon as she received a few items, she would send them to me.  We agreed that my training sessions would not be less than 3 per week nor more than 5.  Before each session I would receive an e-mail with instructions.

Over the next several months, she trained me.  At the end of each session I would have to tie myself as directed.  I received nipple clamps, leather cuffs, a gag and several other things.  Shortly after she had begun to train me, Ms. Kathy had me make a lot of measurements around my waist, hips, cock and balls.

One day a letter told me I would receive a package.  I was not to open it until I met Ms Kathy on line.  I couldn’t wait but I did as directed.

We signed on.  Ms. Kathy told me to open the package.  I did.  In it was a strange looking belt and tube.  Ms Kathy said, “That is a chastity belt.  You indicated you wanted to be chastised.  Now let’s get you locked in that belt.”

I hesitated.  I received a stern order to obey.  I began to put on the belt as instructed.  Finally everything was in place and my cock was secured in the tube. I brought the ends of the belt to the locking slots.  I hesitated a second and then heard 2 clicks as the belt locked into place.  I was locked in the belt.  Ms Kathy had a big smile on her face as she logged off.

There was a letter in my mail box the next time I logged on.  It said, no further payments were needed and I would never see Ms Kathy again.  I thought, “What about this belt?  How do I get it off?”

The address Ms. Kathy gave was only an hour from where I lived.  I drove there and looked up the address.  It was a small apartment.  I checked with the super.  He said some one had used it for awhile as a mail drop.  He had never seen the person.

I drove back to my home horny as hell.  After a couple of more months, I couldn’t stand it.  I had to have that belt off.  No matter how embarrassed I would be, I had to see a locksmith.  There was one not far from where I lived.  I drove to the store.

I walked past it several times before I had the nerve to enter it.  I finally got up the courage and entered the store.  A feminine voice said, “May I help you?”

I said, “I need a locksmith.”

She relied, “I’m Jan.  That would be me.”

I stuttered, mumbled and made for the door.  She said, “I’m sure I can help you with your problem if you’ll tell me what it is.”

I replied, “It’s really personal.  I would rather deal with a male.”

Do you mean you’ve locked something on yourself and can’t remove it?”

I replied, “That is sort of what happened.”

“I’ve seen everything.  Nothing will shock me.  Come on in the back and I’ll see what I can do.”

I followed her through the store back to a shop.  I took my pants down and showed her the problem.  

“So you’re locked in a chastity belt and want out.  I’ll see what I can do. “

She examined the belt closely.  She brought over an amber liquid in a vial and put a drop of it on the metal.  She said, “Pull your pants back up.  There isn’t anything I can do to get that belt off of you.  Those locks are snap locks.  Once they close there is no way to open them.  That is a special metal that can’t be cut in normal ways.  You’re in the belt for good.

I left the store.

Help is there anyone out here that can get me out of this belt?

01:51:30 27 Oktober 2014 Permanente link Reacties (0)

The Millionaire

He was a millionaire. He was used to getting everything he wanted. He had had many beautiful girlfriends.
She was a beauty and she knew it. He had to have her. He tried everything to woo her. Everything that normally worked. He sent her flowers, bought her nice gifts, took her for dinner many times. He just could not get her into bed. One evening at dinner he whispered in her ear. "What do I have to do to get you?".
With that she gave him a package and said "Open this at home and on our next date if you wear it you will get to eat my pussy." She gave him a big smile. He smiled back thinking he was home and dry.

He got home and opened the parcel. He was gob-smacked. It was a male chastity device, there was no key.
The next day he rang her. "I cant wear that it's a joke isnt it?"
"No dear, I expect commitment from my men that's why I ask them to wear it. It's a shame you wont, my pussy has been so wet waiting for your visit."

The next date arrived. He looked at the device. The thought of seeing her naked was driving him mad. And then not only to see her naked but to eat her pussy too. He put the device on. He looked at it. He hesitated with closing the lock. He thought of her beautiful face and sexy body and what it must be like naked. He breathed a deep breadth and clicked the lock shut.

At dinner that night he whispered into her ear. "I changed my mind, I will be eating your pussy tonight."
She smiled "Oh darling, you are so sweet." She took her shoes off and stretched her legs under the table and rested her feet on his groin to check that the artilce was indeed fitted. "Good boy" she sighed when she realised it was.

After dinner they went to her place for the 1st time, and they undressed. She was as stunning as he had imagined. "You look wonderful in that device dear" she said. "It's so sexy on you."
He massaged her, and caressed her, and finally got to eat her pussy. And they went to sleep afterwards.

In the morning he asked "So when do I get unlocked from this contraption?"
"You dont dear, we did a deal, you know in business a verbal agreement is binding. You wear that and you get to eat my pussy. You ate my pussy, now you must wear that."

"I'm a millionaire, how much do you want from me?" he asked.

"I've got what I want from you my dear".

"As you are so rich, I will do you a deal. When you are desperate for pussy, give me a call and you can eat my pussy again for 1 million dollars. Oh and if you run out of money dont worry cos I always look after my men. Come on now, off you go to work lover boy."
He adorned his suite and left for the office.

One month passed and he was having difficulty concentrating on the job, he was making mistakes and starting to lose money. He was desperate to see and play with some pussy. So he called her and transferred 1 million dollars into her account. He was seeing her once a month, then twice, then each week. His fortune was down to 7 million dollars. He had to have her. He took a gamble that if he spent the entire week with her, she would fall for him enough to become a regular couple. 7 days later, he admitted to her that he was now bankrupt and totally at her mercy. She smiled sweetly, "Oh my dear boy, you want me so bad. I have taken everything from you, all your money and your cock and balls. That makes me so wet, come on baby eat me again."

He smiled. He thought he had through to her. When he had finished eating her and she had recovered.
She got up. "Come with me, let me show you to your room."
He went to pick up his clothes. "No leave them, Men dont wear clothes if they live in my house."
He dropped his clothes and followed her downstairs.

She lead him to a big security safe door and opened it. "This is a secure area to maintain our privacy. Only one person at a time can pass, and the other door will open only when this one is closed. So you go in 1st."
He stepped into the middle section, and then when the 2nd door opened into a room. The door closed behind him.

Over a speaker system, her voice bellowed. "Hello my lovers, I want to introduce you to number 50, he has provided our fund with 100 million dollars in total. Enough money to keep you boys in food for many many years and aid our cause immensley. Please make him feel at home. I will be including his oral performances into my home video selection for your viewing pleasure. I think you will agree he was very good at it. Not quite as good as my girlfriend , Melissa. Oh number 50, I forgot to mention. I am a lesbian, I hate cocks, they are so filthy. Melissa and I are part of a lesbian feminist militant organisation. Your money will be used well, and once we have taken power, and all men are in chastity we will let you out, with your 49 fellows. Please enjoy your stay with us number 50."


01:49:20 27 Oktober 2014 Permanente link Reacties (0)

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